Wednesday, 24 September 2014


As a writer, how much of yourself is in your protagonist?
I have often wondered about this after reading that many writers have based their main character on themselves. This is especially true for first books apparently!

This is a case in point for my first book, Jenna’s Journey, as I originally conceived the idea whilst wondering how my life would have been different if I’d stayed in Greece instead of returning to the UK. Of course, what happens to Jenna is ...

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Wednesday, 17 September 2014

The Artist Unleashed: ARE YOU A PANSER? OR DO YOU HAVE A (BUSINESS) PLAN? by Jacqueline Garlick

You are talking to the most unorganized person, quite possibly in the free world. No, I’m not kidding.

I am.

I have no patience for time. I never wear a watch, and in school I HATED the idea of planners. Okay, with that said may I suggest I’m the most unlikely person EVER to write this post? It’s true, BUT, if someone like me can find value in this strategy, IMAGINE what it can do for you!!!

Let’s face it; there are too many ...

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Sign up to Jessica's newsletter and receive Book #1 of the Writing in a Nutshell Series, Show & Tell in a Nutshell, or Muted: A Short Story in Verse, for FREE.

Friday, 12 September 2014

What's your view on contest entry fees?

I'm over at Vine Leaves Literary Journal today talking about contest entry fees. There are a lot of myths out there (rather negative ones) and felt the need to set things straight.

You can read the article and comment here:
WE’RE NOT ASKING FOR YOUR MONEY SO WE CAN CHILL OUT ON AN ISLAND RESORT: A literary journal editor’s view on contest entry fees

Would love it if you dropped by and contributed to the discussion.

Easy Tweet:
WE’RE NOT ASKING 4 YR MONEY SO WE CAN CHILL ON AN ISLAND RESORT @VineLeavesLJ's view on #contest entry fees #litmags

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Wednesday, 10 September 2014

The Artist Unleashed: MODES OF TRAVEL THROUGH TIME, by Dennis Higgins

I would like to thank Jessica Bell for having me to the Artist Unleashed event.

I am Dennis Higgins, author of time travel stories. I am the “Gone But Not Forgotten” guy. My own books are not heavily into science or sci-fi. The stories involve the intimate and detailed lives of my traveler which I call Time Pilgrims.

Today I would like to explore the many modes of travelling in time from several different ...

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Sign up to Jessica's newsletter and receive Book #1 of the Writing in a Nutshell Series, Show & Tell in a Nutshell, or Muted: A Short Story in Verse, for FREE.

Wednesday, 3 September 2014

The Artist Unleashed: HOW TO REFRAME A LITERARY GENRE – KARMA LIT, ANYONE? by Stephen Weinstock

The first piece of advice you read in Book Biz manuals is that a writer should choose a genre, learn all about that kind of book, and tailor their brilliantly inspired work accordingly.  Publishers organize decisions around these beloved genres, booksellers need them to put your book on an easy shelf, and readers won’t find you if Medical Thriller isn’t stamped on your forehead. I’m here to say:


I considered crafting this article as a practical guide to ...

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