Friday 10 December 2010

Dribz and Drabz, Bitz and Piecez and Reminderz ... Tell me your news and I'll add you to this post!

If you think your manuscript is ready for submission and are considering giving it to a professional editor for a fine-tuning, I am now expanding my Editing Services. Check out what I offer HERE or HERE.

An anthology called School Days, which includes a short story of mine called Knickers With Trucks On Them is now available at Pill Hill Press. It will also be available on Amazon soon.

Don't forget about signing up to win a signed copy of Someone To Blame, by C.S. Lakin. All you have to do is answer the following question in the comments of THIS POST and leave your email address:
How is blame destructive to ourselves and others? And what are some ways we engage in blame and don’t even notice?

C.S. Lakin will read all your comments on my blog and choose the best answer. The winner will be announced next Monday 13th.

Last but not least, don't forget about Shannon McMahon's Anonymous Critique #3! Shuffle on over and join in the fun!!!

Have you got any exciting news? Let me know, give me the appropriate links and I'll add you to this post!!!

Hannah Kincade, Summer, Sarah (Falen) are hosting a NaNoWriMo 2010 blogfest in January! Go check out the details!

Elena Solodow has just announced her 100 Words for $100 Blogfest! Wow! $1 per word! Check it out!

Jackee is having a 200th post celebration where for every time someone buys a book for a child (any child) this Christmas, I'll match it with a donation of a school supply kit to a humanitarian aid organization. There are also chances to win books for commenters.

Chris Phillips has a haiku contest on his blog that will end with his 65th follower!

Jamie Gibbs just received a letter saying that he achieved a distinction in his Egyptology Master's Degree :P (woohoo! Congrats, Jamie!)
Deniz Bevan is *this* close to finishing her second draft and only 11 followers away from 100 - she's holding a thank you contest on her blog!

Carolyn Abiad had a small victory this week. On December 5th, the Turkish national newspaper Milliyet's blog recognized my blog for presenting Turkish women in a positive light.


  1. Loved reading the post, I am just compiling a new poetry book for publication next year.

    Have a good day.

  2. Just thanks again for the Amazon gift card - the latest Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit PC game should be here today!

  3. This is cool I did not know yuo did edits too! u are kinda multi talented aren't ya?

  4. I bet the bloggosphere will be pretty quiet between Dec 18-Jan 3. That's when my kids are home from school, and I'll be racing to finish my first draft by the end of the month. :D

  5. Summer, Sarah (Falen) and I are hosting a NaNoWriMo 2010 blogfest in January! I'm super excited about that!

    Thanks for sharing your news and have a fantastic break. Happy Christmas and all that!

  6. I want to put your editing services graphic on my sidebar. I'm going to work on it this weekend.

  7. I just announced my 100 Words for $100 Blogfest. I'd love to get some exposure. Link is here:

    Thanks, Jessica!

  8. That's wonderful that you're putting out your editing services. If you make a editor's service button, I'll put it up on my site. Lots of interesting news and such.

  9. Duh! Never mind, I found a photo.

  10. So much to look at! Thanks for putting all this together so my disorganized self can appreciate it.

  11. When is blame destructive? When we won't face our own problems and throw them on someone else. Congrats on the book C.S.

    Great post Jessica! =D

  12. No news here, but will keep checking back for additions.

  13. So many wonderful links, Jessica. Thank you!

    I'm having a 200th post celebration where for every time someone buys a book for a child (any child) this Christmas, I'll match it with a donation of a school supply kit to a humanitarian aid organization. There are also chances to win books for commenters. Here's the link:

    Have a lovely day, Jessica!

  14. hi miss jessica! yikes i didnt come at your blog for a while cause of being so busy with school stuff. for sure im gonna miss you on those days youre gone but for sure im gonna be bugging you on your email. thats cause i love you!:)
    ...big hugs from lenny

  15. Great round-up, Jess! Happy Friday...

  16. Great links.
    I have a haiku contest on my blog that will end with my 65th follower.

    Happy Friday.

  17. Thanks for the shout out again! <3

    I'll be posting about your editing services next week!


  18. Hey Jessica, I wish you a very happy Christmas in Athens. Thank you for the useful links. I've checked out a few already. I've filed away your editing info for future reference. I'll be looking out for your name on some of the teaching texts I use.

    Happy holidays!

  19. Dunno if this counts, but I just received a letter saying that I achieved a distinction in my Egyptology Master's Degree :P

  20. I didn't realize you do edits, Jessica...

    I don't have any news...I'll try harder next time. :)

  21. I'm *this* close to finishing my second draft and only 11 followers away from 100 - I'm holding a thank you contest on my blog!

  22. I wrote 2 failed screenplays. Doesn't count, right?

  23. No news from me...none that I want printed anyhow. hahaha.

    Great to hear you're offering editing services!

    Happy Holidays!!!!!

  24. I had a small victory this week. On December 5th, the Turkish national newspaper Milliyet's blog recognized my blog for presenting Turkish women in a positive light. It's in Turkish, but here's the link:

  25. Congratulations Carolyn! I didn't know about your blog but will go over and check it out!


“I'm using my art to comment on what I see. You don't have to agree with it.” ~John Mellencamp

“Allowing an unimportant mistake to pass without comment is a wonderful social grace” ~Judith S. Marin

“I don't ever try to make a serious social comment.” ~Paul McCartney

“I'd make a comment at a meeting and nobody would even acknowledge me. Then some man would say the same thing and they'd all nod.” ~Charlotte Bunch

“Probably what my comment meant was that I don't care about the circumstances if I can tell the truth.” ~Sally Kirkland

“We're not going to pay attention to the silliness and the petty comments. And quite frankly, women have joined me in this effort, and so it's not about appearances. It's about effectiveness.” ~Katherine Harris