Do you think you're hot?
How could I be hot in 35 degree heat without the air con on?
Upload a picture of wallpaper you are using at the moment.
I took this myself somewhere in Greece I can't remember ... |
When was the last time you ate chicken?
I really can't remember, but I do know it was in the form of Souvlaki.
The songs you listened to recently?
What were you thinking as you were doing this?
I really need to get back to work.
Too many bits of toast crust are stuck between my teeth.
My body is aching from the air con left on all night
I need more coffee
I want to listen to the songs I just embedded over and over instead of doing my work.
I need more coffee.
My body is still aching.
Who the f am I going to tag? Isn't everyone already tagged with this?
Do you have nicknames?
Yep. ...
Oh, you want me to tell you what they are?
Idi (short for idiot)
Vlaka (Greek for idiot)
Tag five bloggers:
Len Lambert
Angela Felsted
Michelle Davidson Argyle
Dawn Ius
Matthew Rush (sorry matey, I know you've already been tagged by Ted, but, ya know, you're my matey!)
Whose listed as number one? (LOL. Okay, editor coming out in me ... Who wrote these questions? "Whose" is asking if something belongs to someone. I think the word you are looking for is "Who's")
Len Lambert is the lovely lady who is constantly sending me beautiful emails full of compliments. This woman always puts a smile on my face!
Leave a lovey dovey message for number 2.
Oh Angela Felsted
your poetry must not be wasted
because without your words
my life would be turds
and our inspiration would be tainted
How did you get to know number 3?
I met her via her blog when I discovered she was in the same situation publishing wise as me. We had a lot to talk about!
How about number 4?
Dawn, I could not live without you. This woman has to be the most kindhearted and generous being in the world. I will never ever be able to reciprocate the generosity she has offered me because there will just not be enough time in my life to do so!
Say something about number 5
Matt. Matt. Matt. If anyone needs a tip on how to be a good friend, ask Matt. Best bloke in blogdom!