My rating: 5 of 5 stars
suppose for a moment I am sitting here listening to the swish swish of the air conditioner trying to make the air conditioner sound interesting on paper while the eyes of my dog are getting heavy and my eyes are getting heavy and i am wondering why the hell the spicy chinese food is burning my tongue when i love spicy chinese food and why the flip I’m trying to write like the book i have just read
it’s really hard to write without punctuation because my fingers kinda just go there automatically and i end up having to delete all the commas and fullstops and
making all the pronouns referring to myself into lower case after word automatically changes them
suppose for a moment that people reading this review will not actually understand why i am writing it like this they will think I have totally lost it
i think they will think i have gone doo-lally-tap and god knows my heart is sinking to think people are thinking this
swish swish
see that is my brain churning thoughts around amidst the air conditioner hum which is on heat by the way
heat as in hot air not that it is ready to jump me
this is not the one about the jumper is it
no i said jump me not jumper
buy this book and you will see how brilliant this is as all the words just kinda blend together but your mind really does know where to put the pauses
have you quite finished
it is like a river of letters that flow together yet float separately with the current of your own thoughts and everybody should read it to understand how truly amazing experimental fiction can be and believe me there are quite a few laugh out loud moments and many many gag worthy moments especially the verruca click flick rasp rasp rhythmic patterns
swish swish
yes yes
and god knows my heart did sink
especially after that massive writer-envy attack i experienced reading this
now it is time for a large mug of tea
View all my reviews

I have never free versed, wrote and kept writing no punctuation or caps of any kind...
ReplyDeleteThere is a lyrical beauty in this post and I ended up downloading the book you recommended. Couldn't help myself, I wanted to see what inspired you so. (Hugs)Indigo
things i thought while reading this would i be able to condemn the air conditioner if it was the other and about to jump her what would it read like without the line paragraph brakes and it reminds me of some reverse poetry like these
or this
Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.
pulled from here
swish swish
Another confirmation that we don't have to get so bound up with the 'correctness' of everything - sometimes creativity is subdued by our paranoia to ensure all the t's are crossed and the i's dotted - thank you so much for this great reminder and I'm going to take it on board and let the words flow without being all consumed by the other influences that tend to detract from the pure pleasure of putting words on a page. (Smiley face)
ReplyDeleteThat was great, Jessica! You write a great story with or without punctuation.
ReplyDeleteHave a wonderful weekend.
Nice review :) This book sounds intriguing to say the least!
ReplyDeleteYour website is fascinating! Stopped by here courtesy of Jayne and will stop back for a better look around! :)
ReplyDeleteHi Jess .. so interesting to read - and I'd love to read the book and learn more about lack of punctuation etc which Josh has highlighted ..
ReplyDeleteCheers Hilary
thanks, Michael!
ReplyDeleteHa, love the broken rules! Not that my brain will allow me to break them while writing this comment! :)
ReplyDeleteYikes, you've made my head swim! :) I recently read a novel that was all one sentence (by a Czech writer... of course I can't remember the name now!).
ReplyDeleteI am falling! That song popped in my head while I read this. I love it. It is what I want to be, breaking the chains of expectations. Adding the book to my list! Happy weekend!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the tip lady, will definitely check it out! : )
ReplyDeleteI've loved stream of consciousness writing since I first read Joyce's 'Ulysses' in university. I've played with it a bit, but sometimes find it hard to lose the punctuation. The editor in me just won't let it go without a fight!
ReplyDeleteYou've done well with it here. :)
An Israeli writer published a free verse book last year to great acclaim. I eagerly downloaded it, but about midway through I couldn't go any more.
ReplyDeleteThat blew my mind! but I confess I think I rather liked it. You did a good job:)