Wednesday 15 September 2010

The I GOT U! Blogfest.

This is a blogfest about blog love. Today we are to write about another blogger. Please check out the host's (Sheri) blog and the other entries listed in her side bar!
Ok, I would LOVE to write about Lenny because Lenny is an inspiration to us all, but I'm not going to, because I can only imagine that he is also everyone else's first choice. So I'm being sneaky and mentioning him, so at least you can click on his link and see why he is dearly loved so much by us all!
Right. Now to my proper post. Creepy Query Girl!

Katie and I share a common problem. We both live in Europe - Katie in France, me in Greece. We live in places where the English language is scarce in the streets. We can't eavesdrop on English conversations. We can't observe people's mannerisms. We can't immerse ourselves in the average English conversation in order give our dialogue realistic qualities. We have to go on memory. And I think that scares us a little. It scares us because we wonder whether we are going to lose touch with the language - whether we are going to misrepresent English speakers as time passes by. Perhaps one day all our characters are going to be speaking English in French and Greek translation and gesture.
Anyway, I can really relate to Katie's blog. Not only for the reason I stated above, but because her blog posts always push the right buttons. She has wit, wisdom, and a tendancy to make me want to write elaborate comments under her posts. She makes me want to explain exactly why I feel the same way. She makes me want to open up - tell her about my insecurities, my joys, my doubts, my good and bad news.
Although we've never met face to face, I feel like we have (well, we kind of HALF met face to face when I could see her through the webcam on Skype, but she couldn't see me - hehe - by the way she is GORGEOUS!!!). And I feel like we were meant to meet. I hope that one day, we will cross paths. After all, we do live on the same continent :o)

Do you connect with any bloggers that you feel you were 'meant' to know?


  1. Oh man Lenny is awesome, but Katie equally so. I was supposed to be in on this but I totally forgot it was today. What a dumb ass. I'm checking with Sheri to see if I can put mine up tomorrow.

    Great choice Jess!

  2. I still remember the day I found Katie's blog. Made me laugh out loud and I clicked that follow button so fast...

  3. Katie's bog is great! One of my daily stops...this was a fabulous post about her and what a wonderful blogfest.

  4. Katie's blog Rocks HARD and she has that "Tingle" factor. I look forward to each of her posts!

    This was an excellent tribute!

  5. TWO completely AMAZING peoples:)

  6. I love the angle you took in writing this post. Thanks so much for participating.

  7. This is such an awesome blog fest! I'm so sad I missed hearing about it or I would have done my very own post! So many awesome people to choose from though!!!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. She is great! What a fun blogfest . . . one I might have actually joined if I'd known about it. :)

  10. Great post...I love how you snuck Lenny in. (Wish I would of thought of is...)

    I hadn't thought about you and Katie's link to the English speaking world via your blogs, but it will make me think about you both in a new way when I read your posts...

    Have a great day!

  11. I love this! Her blog is one of my regular stomping grounds, too. Roxane from Peace Garden Mama is a blogger I feel like I was meant to know and be great friends with. :-)

  12. I'm also on the CQG bandwagon :-) Great post, sugar. I'm continuously blown away by the connections I've made through the blogosphere.

  13. I was that English speaking girl in a foreign country, all those years ago. I know exactly what you mean. I wouldn't have missed it for all the world though!

  14. Katie has a sensitive soul masked in laughter and that is a treat to read.

    The song BORN by Over The Rhine reminds me of her ... and you, by the way.

    I was unaware of this blogfest so I did the BACK TO SCHOOL fest instead.

    Just as well, since I do not know how I could have chosen one out of all the special friends I have met here in the blogverse.

    Have a great end of week, Roland

  15. Love this 'spread the love' theme! And Katie IS awesome (and so are you) but I don't know Lenny... *feels self-conscious about not knowing Lenny*

    It is fabulous to have a fellow writer/blogger you feel such kinship with--definitely helps keep us going.

  16. LOL, I can relate to the language thing, I spent a few years living in Tokyo. My first trip o/seas back to a western country had me in a spin, its like reverse culture shock.

    Blogging's great for making connections, I made some lovely buddies so far. ;)

  17. That must be tough to live where you don't hear English everyday - even bad English! And there's a few blogging buddies I was meant to know.

  18. Yay! katie is awesome... I couldn't agree more. I'm Tardy to the Party, but I'm tapping you all tomorrow--I don't *care* if Candy beat me to it... :D

  19. I love Katie!! I feel like she and I have sort of connected, too, since I also lived in France. (Come to think of it, that's one of the reasons I feel so close to you, Jess. Over there, an Aussie living with the Greeks :D) I remember well those days when I was completely immersed in the French culture. Weeks would go by that I didn't utter a word of English. On the phone with family, I searched for my words and said goofy stuff like, "Yesterday I -- how do you say -- cleaned my hair..." I dreamed in French. (Weird!)

    All this to say, thanks for showing Katie some blog love today! I wish all three of us could meet up one day. We'd have a ball, j'en suis sûr!

  20. Aaaaawe, Jess! Thanks so much for my 'I GOT U' *blush* I always love your posts and comments and your one of the few who really understand what it is to be trying at the publishing biz from the other side of the ocean. Thanks so much for your words and support these last few months, I always look forward to hearing your thoughts! Mwah!

  21. When I feel better I will look these two blogs up.

    Loved the read.

    Take care.

  22. When I feel better I will look these two blogs up.

    Loved the read.

    Take care.

  23. When I feel better I will look these two blogs up.

    Loved the read.

    Take care.

  24. Creepie query girl is definitely a blog worthy post! Lenny is too, but you picked well :)

  25. I have 'met' a good number of bloggers that I wish I could meet. I wish I lived near some of them so we could have a writing club!

  26. AW! I love that. Katie is very cool. I love her blog. I just found yours through her, I can't wait to get to know you better. =)

  27. Hey, I found your blog as i was making my way down Sheri's list. Great tribute! Awesome that you live in Greece!!

  28. Katie is terrific! Great idea :)

  29. Hey there,

    I totally feel for you. There's no (or hardly any) english where I live, either...

    And I didn't know Lenny, but I do now, thank you!


“I'm using my art to comment on what I see. You don't have to agree with it.” ~John Mellencamp

“Allowing an unimportant mistake to pass without comment is a wonderful social grace” ~Judith S. Marin

“I don't ever try to make a serious social comment.” ~Paul McCartney

“I'd make a comment at a meeting and nobody would even acknowledge me. Then some man would say the same thing and they'd all nod.” ~Charlotte Bunch

“Probably what my comment meant was that I don't care about the circumstances if I can tell the truth.” ~Sally Kirkland

“We're not going to pay attention to the silliness and the petty comments. And quite frankly, women have joined me in this effort, and so it's not about appearances. It's about effectiveness.” ~Katherine Harris