Tuesday 7 September 2010

My day in a blogshell

Get up. Get dressed. Stay in PJs. Turn on computer. Make coffee. Sit at computer. Check emails. Sip coffee. Reply to emails. Sip coffee. Start work. Sip coffee. Greet waking love. Sip coffee. Kiss waking love. Sip coffee. Look at work and screw up nose. Sip coffee. Accept love's offer of cereal. Do some work. Sip coffee. Recieve cereal. Eat cereal staring at screen. Finish coffee. Take cup into kitchen. Contemplate making another coffee. Steal love's coffee instead. Sit at desk. Check emails again. Do some work. Check blogs. Write blog post. Schedule blog post. Force myself to disconnect from Internet so I do some work. Do some work. Sip new coffee. Realise new coffee has gone cold. Log back onto internet. Do some work ... rolling rolling rolling ... ten hours pass ... Look at clock. 6pm. Read blogs. Reply to comments. Wash dishes. Make some sort of edible concoction. Check emails. Recieve last minute task from employer. Sit down at computer. Do last minute task. Curse at computer for sending me last minute task. Email last minute task. Go back to kitchen. Serve food. Sit in lounge with love. Watch whatever he watches because I can't be bothered arguing. Fall asleep on couch with fork in hand. Stumble to shower. Have shower. Go to bed. Have anxiety dream. Wake up gasping. Start again.

Where's the time for my WIP you ask? Well, if anyone can locate it for me, please swing it my way. :o)
Good news is. I'm seeing the end of this on the horizon. One more week, and I think I'll have a couple days break. Let's hope it lasts longer than I think it will due to some unexpected delay on my next project. Pretty please with a cherry on top?


  1. It's always hard to find time! Hope you get that break!

  2. Wow, it's scary how much of that sounds exactly like my day :P Make sure you don't cut out the coffee though, that thing is a staple of any writer's diet, hehe.

    I've been told that a good time to work on a novel is the first thing in the morning, as soon as you get up. Type like mad for an hour, then get on with your day. Even if it's no good, you've done something at least :)

  3. I thought my day was busy enough but how on earth do you keep awake.
    I hope when you take a few days off they will be relaxing ones.


  4. I think it's hidden somewhere in those fleeting ten hours...

  5. Happy you're getting a few days off. You've got a tight schedule and need a break. Somewhere, on another blog, I saw that you'd won an award for your writing. How frustrating it must be to know you can write but don't have the time. Good Luck!

  6. Ooh, that is a tight schedule. Good luck with the work, till then...miss you. :)

  7. I think your adorable pooch has been gnawing on your WIP. I saw him with it in the corner a bit ago...

  8. You'll find it because you have to!

  9. Wow, you are busy. I guess you don't want to know that I have tons of time to work on my wip. ;)

    Except that I have A LOT of cleaning to do now that all of my kids are in school full time. No more excuses anymore.

  10. Geez! Hope you get a break soon. If I don't get time in with my wip or some related activity, I go nuts. I need 'me' time. *sips coffee* :)

  11. Don't ask me, I'm still sipping on my coffee before I head to work ;)

  12. There just never seems to be enough time no matter what we're doing or want to do. Always glad to know another coffee drinker. :) With coffee, all is possible I say.

    Thoughts in Progress

  13. Sounds similar to my day except since I don't have a job you can substitute those parts with more blogging activities. You'd think I'd have a million followers and have my blog posts scheduled for the next 3 years. Doesn't seem to work that way though.

    Tossing It Out

  14. Time for WIP? Pfft...what time...

  15. I hear ya. I know I really could be writing – well not really ‘cause I need no interruptions for that and that’s not gonna happen right now so I’m checking my blogs. :)

  16. *snarfle* FABULOUS. This would be why I couldn't do my day job from home, though instead of my love doing nice things for me, he would be asking why this or that for the KIDS hasn't been done. He would never understand the 'this is my work day' boundary. At. All. Better for me to come to the office. (even if here I sit visiting blogs--though that is reward for crossing a work item off my list)

  17. And here I thought I was busy! I hope you find a break soon!

  18. How does anyone work in the morning? I can barely find the 'on button' (for the computer. I don't think I have one.)The ten flee[t]ing hours are holding your WIP captive.

  19. Ha ha ha ha ha! I love the cartoon at the top. Hang in there, Jessica! :-)

  20. LOL. Time for the WIP?! I think that happens somewhere between putting kettle on and adding sugar to the cup.

  21. Do you know how much time you'd save if you just cut out coffee. *slap my own face* What am I saying!? Oh man, I need another cup of coffee.


  22. The best solution is to simply find a way to not need sleep.
    Let me know when you figure it out.

  23. Yes, it can be so hard to find the time for writing. I hope you get your break!

  24. Sleep, you still sleep?!
    You're so lucky! When I was little...
    "I had to get up in the morning at ten o'clock at night half an hour before I went to bed, drink a cup of cold poison, work twenty-nine hours a day down mill, and pay mill owner for permission to come to work, and when we got home, our Dad and our mother would kill us and dance about on our graves singing Hallelujah."

    Joking set aside... Our work is the compromise we make between having our creature comforts, living in our societies, and blithely following our muses.

    Gambatte, don't let it get to you. : j

  25. I look forward to each morning because I know I'll have plenty of coffee and french vanilla cream. It really compliments the day, doesn't it? ;)

  26. I know what you mean. It's hard to keep with all that we have to do. I find I drink more and more coffee.

    Good luck finding time:)

  27. I'm tired just reading this. I hope you get some time to yourself soon. Just to do whatever you want. *hugs*

  28. Time... ugh, never enough time! I'm with Elana, I'm exhausted just reading this... you need some me time :)

  29. Funny how insignificant a day sounds when written like this in a paragraph! But glad you find time for blogging, because if not we'd all miss you.

  30. I think Athens and Paphos must be on the same speeding clock zone. I read emails etc the same as you and yawn it is time for bed. Not even the coffee keeps me awake. ☺

    You painted a great picture. I love the sneaking Love's coffee part. ☺

  31. Dude. I feel ya. That picture sums me up perfectly. *sigh*

    I need to get away to my own writing island.

    I hope things slow down for you and you find some time to write on your WiP.



“I'm using my art to comment on what I see. You don't have to agree with it.” ~John Mellencamp

“Allowing an unimportant mistake to pass without comment is a wonderful social grace” ~Judith S. Marin

“I don't ever try to make a serious social comment.” ~Paul McCartney

“I'd make a comment at a meeting and nobody would even acknowledge me. Then some man would say the same thing and they'd all nod.” ~Charlotte Bunch

“Probably what my comment meant was that I don't care about the circumstances if I can tell the truth.” ~Sally Kirkland

“We're not going to pay attention to the silliness and the petty comments. And quite frankly, women have joined me in this effort, and so it's not about appearances. It's about effectiveness.” ~Katherine Harris