Friday, 1 April 2011

A is for ... ???

Can you believe it's been a year? Already? Wow.

So this year, Nicole Ducleroir and I are going to be playing together in the A-Z April Challenge. :o) Now, now, no kinky ideas, what I mean by that is, we are both going to be writing a paragraph based on the same prompt. These prompts are going to be emotions (nouns, not adjectives). So, for example, the prompt for A (today) could be 'Acceptance' (it's not, btw), and then we would both write a paragraph showing someone feeling this emotion. But we're not going to tell you what it is. That's for you to decide, and GUESS in the comments. Sound fun? I think so ... :o)

So let's begin with today, with what other letter but 'A', yes? Read the paragraph and see if you can guess which emotion/feeling it is trying to portray that begins with the letter 'A'. And then hop over to Nicole's to read her interpretation of the same emotion/feeling.

(PS: please don't judge my writing skills on these snippets. I'm seriously doing them off the top of my head!!!)

She stood at the bottom of the pyramids, sweat running between her breasts, soles of her feet burning from the two hour trek, shoulders aching from her heavy rucksack, nose stinging from the scortching sun, but ... she didn't care. In front of her was what she had been waiting all her life to see. The pyramids of Giza. Her eyes drew to their hot, firm beauty as if the pyramids themselves were extracting all her pain. She lifted her hand to shield her eyes from the sun. She could not break her stare. She stood there, jaw open, wondering how she kept away for so long.

 So, can you guess the emotion (a noun) depicted in this piece that begins with the letter ‘A’? Please nip over to Nicole's blog to read her interpretation of our ‘A-prompt word. Here’s the link!

PPS: winners of contest are below :o)



  1. Beautiful paragraph, Jess! This blogfest is going to be a blast -- thanks so much for the great idea of showing emotion in paragraphs, and for inviting me into your inspired world to play along. You're the BEST!!!!

  2. Great paragraph! You sucked me in to the brief glimpse of this character's life. I'm going to guess awe.

    Now I'll pop on over to Nicole's. :)

  3. Awe would be my guess. Nice job!

  4. Well damn. Nicole's made me think agony, but yours makes me think awe!

  5. Adoration. That would be what I would feel if I was in her place.

  6. What a great blogging challenge this will be! I'm going with "awe".
    PS - Your writing is never bad, even when it's "off the cuff."

  7. After reading Nicole's and now yours I too vote for awe. :)
    Jules @ Trying To Get Over The Rainbow

  8. I'm going with amazement! *wink*

  9. Aw, you went with avarice. :)

  10. I'll go with awe.

    Good plan of action for the Challenge and I like the idea of working in a paired relationship like that.

    Tossing It Out
    Twitter hashtag: #atozchallenge

  11. hi miss jessica! i think she felt abducted cause all that stuff she saw took her away from being hot and tired. its cool how you and miss nicole are doing this together. now i gott go see what she wrote.
    ...hugs from lenny

  12. Is it awe? That's what I'm going with. =)

  13. A fun idea. It is amazing to see the different ways in which people tackle this challenge1

  14. great idea to post with someone else. great scene.

  15. Loved both of your paragraphs - complete diversity!

    Grace and Peace!

  16. Over at Nicole's I said amazement, and it seems to fit with yours too! Great story, and I love this idea for the A-Z Challenge you both put together!

  17. Oh, this is such a great idea! I love it. Unfortunately, I'm terrible at guessing things like this, but I'm going to go with...amazement!

  18. I love how you and Nicole are going about this. Very fun.

    The best choices have already been commented on, so I'll try to come up with something new: astonishment.

  19. Hehehe I'm not going to answer, because I already got the answer from Nicole, so I'd be cheating.

    Nice interpretation, though.


  20. I just commented on Nicole's post. What a clever idea! I came up with the word: a feeling of AWE. Only thing I could think of. I think it applies here, too.

  21. I'm going to say either Awe or, based on the first half of the paragraph, Adrenaline. Not sure why, but that struck me first.

    Fun idea :)

    East for Green Eyes

  22. Sounds like a good description for "amazement". Great job.

  23. I'm guessing awe as well. Great post. =)

  24. I'm going with what others have said, awe or amazement.

  25. Great "A" post! I want to visit this place too. My guess is...Awe.

    Visiting from the A to Z Challenge. I look forward to reading your posts. Happy Friday! :o)

  26. Hi Jess .. I've gone for amazement too .. cheers Hilary

  27. i thought amazemtn at first but the almost religious nature of the way her pain is lifted makes me think awe.


  28. I'm going with amazement or awe. Though at first I was thinking anguish. Thanks for introducing us to your writing partner. This month will be a ton of fun!

  29. Was that about me? I *knew* someone was watching as I stood there... :)

    Fantastic paragraph, Jess!

  30. I too go for Awe Jessica.

    This is going to be fun I can tell.


  31. I'd say awe - but it could equally be agony or amazement.

  32. Guess I'll cast my vote for AWE as well. PS. Posted your trailer on the blog today.

  33. I'd also go with AWE! when's the answer coming?

  34. I will guess awe... Great idea, break it up a bit so that I have to use my gray matter!

  35. I think I was right then, AWE!

    Great idea BTW...

  36. Adore? nah, awe - just got sidetracked by your comment header...I hope it is awe because I think that's what I put on Nicole.
    this is a fun way to work!
    Jan Morrison

  37. I love your twist on the challenge!! Improve your writing and entertain us all. :)

  38. I would say "awe" as well.

    Great idea for the Challenge!

  39. Astonishment! Amazement! Awestruck! I love the letter A! great start to the A-Z challenge!


  40. My first thought was "awe". Great idea, btw! Have a great weekend!

  41. Absolutely amazingly awsome...

  42. Wow. I loved that.

    I actually came over to your blog to say that I LOVE your book trailer for String Bridge. I just found it on The Alchemy of Writing blog.

    Fantastic trailer. I so want to read that book!

    For the A to Z, I'm going with Amazement.

  43. Has to be awe or in alliterative phrases, awesome amazement! Great job. I love this idea teaming up and I get to visit both of you! GReat job!

  44. awe? amazement? Very cool thing the two of you are doing.

  45. Just dropping by on my way to meet a few of the other A to Z Bloggers. Great paragraph - and great name for a blog on "A" day!

  46. My first thought was awe.

    I like your idea, very interactive! :)

  47. I'm back for your 'actual' A to Z post!

    thanks for stopping by my blog earlier

  48. I'm in agreement with Awe, Amazement and Astonishment. Great post to start the challenge off with.

  49. I'm gonna go with awe. Fortunately, my speed-of-seasons computer gave my lots of time to consider it before I saw your other comments. :)

  50. I am guessing awe! It seemed to fit both you and Nicole's posts. Congrats on your soon to be published book.

    Reviewer & Writer
    Book reviews and Author Interviews at my blog at

  51. Well it had something to do with awe. Great start.

    Thanks for visiting Oz.


  52. having read both of your posts (awesome both!) I have to say either Awe or Achievement

    Well done! :)

  53. Did anyone guess "anticipation?"

    "Awe" and "amazement" are good ones, too, but I never was a joiner...

  54. I guessed agony, anxiety, anticipation, accomplishment, amazement, and awe. All were covered!

    Holly Jahangiri

    It's All a Matter of Perspective

    This year, it's personal - I'm now a "survivor." Please give to Relay for Life.

  55. ALLIALLO ~
    Aww, hell, I dunno.

    But I really dug that bit about "sweat running between her breasts". That creates an AWEsome image in my mind.

    ~ D-FensDogg
    'Loyal 'Merican Underground'

    I like all breast references, so could you include many more of them between now and "Z"? Thanks!


“I'm using my art to comment on what I see. You don't have to agree with it.” ~John Mellencamp

“Allowing an unimportant mistake to pass without comment is a wonderful social grace” ~Judith S. Marin

“I don't ever try to make a serious social comment.” ~Paul McCartney

“I'd make a comment at a meeting and nobody would even acknowledge me. Then some man would say the same thing and they'd all nod.” ~Charlotte Bunch

“Probably what my comment meant was that I don't care about the circumstances if I can tell the truth.” ~Sally Kirkland

“We're not going to pay attention to the silliness and the petty comments. And quite frankly, women have joined me in this effort, and so it's not about appearances. It's about effectiveness.” ~Katherine Harris