Thursday 14 April 2011

L is for ... ??? (CAUTION: ADULT CONTENT)

The answer to yesterday's post was, KINDNESS. Thanks to all who stopped by. I've been a bit absent from A-Z this week as I've had a lot of surprises which have been taking up my spare time. So I just want to apologize.

If you are new to this blog please read the note in the header above this post so you know what to do! Thanks!

Brian approaches Ivy from behind and wraps his arms around her, trapping her arms against her breasts. Ivy loosens in Brian’s embrace. Just. Do. It. He slips his right hand beneath her sweater and rests his hand on her flat smooth stomach. The tips of his fingers tease the opening of her pants. Erect and aroused, he bites her ear. Hesitation in Ivy’s slight gasp indicates that it might have hurt, but doesn’t want it to seem so.

“Don’t you want any music?” Ivy asks, bordering breathlessness.

“You are my music,” Brian replies, twisting Ivy around to face him and thrusting his tongue into her mouth with a groan. Her tongue is hot and thick and soft like a rose petal. He imagines his penis inside it and groans again.

So, can you guess the emotion/feeling/state of mind (a noun) depicted in this piece that begins with the letter ‘L’? Please nip over to Nicole's blog to read her interpretation of our L-prompt word. Here’s the link!

PS: One of my poems is being showcased on Angela Felsted's blog today! :o) Would love if you would check it out! And while you're there, take a decent gander at her blog. It's marvelous!



  1. Lazy? Seriously, I'm thinking lust.

    The hint was "Adult Content" - a sure way to get people to flock to your post.

  2. "You are my music." I LOVE that line! Hey, does this post make you want to get back to B.L.O.P.?? :D

  3. Lust and linguini.
    Hey, I need to think of something else after reading that!

  4. My guess was lust even before I read the post.

  5. er... idk what that could be.. lol.. Loved this.. my kinda writing girl!!
    what a great way to start the day :)

  6. Until you said "penis" i was thinking love, but lust must be the answer ;-)

  7. +JMJ+

    I guessed immediately upon reading the Adult Content warning that the word would be lust . . . and now that I've blushed my way through the rest of the post, I see that I was right! ;-)

  8. Phew! Never needed a cold shower after reading a post before! Without a doubt, it's lust, and you did an (ahem) loverly job of depicting it.

  9. Lust.

    Just wanted to give some constructive criticism. The last line is the only one that pulled me out of this cause no guy refers to their penis as a penis. It's pretty much always "my dick" or "cock." I have never thought of my penis as a penis. Actually, the only time I've ever heard a guy refer to it like that is if they aren't a native English speaker.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. It's gotta be lustful or lewd!

  12. Steamy entry that full of the l word. :D

  13. This is clearly loathsome, because what kind of blasphemer thinks such dirty thoughts?

  14. Lascivious, lovely lust, of course! (laughing)

  15. hi miss jessica! i didnt read what you posted cause of that warning you did. but i just wanted you to know i got here and was gonna read it. for sure i didnt L-ook. :)
    ...big hugs from lenny

  16. Angela led me to your lustful read.
    Normally, I say less is more, but in this case I wish your story was longer. I'll have to stay tuned. Julie

  17. Angela led me to your lustful read.
    Normally, I say less is more, but in this case I wish your story was longer. I'll have to stay tuned. Julie

  18. Ooh, I'm going to go with lust ;-)

  19. My guess is Libido or Lust but...Libido would be a think, right? so maybe it's moreso Lust.
    The Madlab Post

  20. No thinking here - just pure lust! (and great for a beach read)

  21. Well that's woken me up hehehe I'm all in a fluster now and have forgotten what I'm spose to do. Oh the word.... Lust... and wishing for the smooth flat tummy I used to have :((((( Damn babies!!! :)

  22. Lust! At least definitely a lusty post ;)


“I'm using my art to comment on what I see. You don't have to agree with it.” ~John Mellencamp

“Allowing an unimportant mistake to pass without comment is a wonderful social grace” ~Judith S. Marin

“I don't ever try to make a serious social comment.” ~Paul McCartney

“I'd make a comment at a meeting and nobody would even acknowledge me. Then some man would say the same thing and they'd all nod.” ~Charlotte Bunch

“Probably what my comment meant was that I don't care about the circumstances if I can tell the truth.” ~Sally Kirkland

“We're not going to pay attention to the silliness and the petty comments. And quite frankly, women have joined me in this effort, and so it's not about appearances. It's about effectiveness.” ~Katherine Harris