Wednesday 19 January 2011

I don't know what I'd do without you.

I've been hit with gooey and mushy love and appreciation for a few bloggers I've come to rely on for writing support. So this post is for them. These three people are helping me get my upcoming novel String Bridge in pristine shape before submitting to my publisher. I'm going to be doing rewrites until the end of February. Perhaps I'll finish a bit earlier. I'm actually hoping I can have it complete by the 26th - my 30th birthday.

These three people are Nicole Ducleroir, Dawn Ius and Shannon McMahon. Ladies, you are my crutch! Thank you, thank you, thank you for being available to share and help me through all sorts of excitement, angst, crisis, doubt and hope I have been feeling through all this. And thank you so so much for all your confidence boosts. I appreciate them as much as the fingers I'm typing with. If you're a writer, you're sure to know how much these boosts are needed to keep up your momentum.

Ladies, you are amazing. All I need to do is holler and you come running. I don't know what I'd do without you. So THANK YOU. When I'm finished with this book. I'm all yours, for EVERYTHING and ANYTHING (as long as it doesn't involve weird sex scenarios or murder, that is) :o)
I love you guys!!!!

So, peoples, tell me, do you have a crutch? Could you imagine your life without them?


  1. Recently, Anne Gallagher, a.k.a. Piedmont Writer helped me write a winner query. I soooooo appreciated her input, her honesty, and her time.

  2. Only my wife. No one reads anything she's not read first.

  3. We all need friends to support us through this writing journey. I have my crit group and my blogging friends. Where would be without them? Good luck on those rewrites!

  4. We all need friends to support us through this writing journey. I have my crit group and my blogging friends. Where would be without them? Good luck on those rewrites!

  5. Loved the post Jessica, not a don't have a crutch, I write poems about what happens in my life or about people I know.

    Have a good day,

  6. Nope. Couldn't imagine my life without them, without you. *winky* Those ladies are wonderful for helping you. I don't know Dawn, though. Have to check her out.

  7. My CP and besties, Sarah A. and The Man are my crutches. They encourage and suposrt without sugarcoating, just what I need.

  8. Aww, Jess! This post made my day! Thank you so much.

    It's an absolute pleasure to read for you. You are an amazing writer. I feel lucky to be a part of your process. I can't wait for the rest of the world to discover you!

    Thanks again for this post. <3

  9. This was such a sweet post!!! It's important to remember those we care about most and make sure to give them proper shout-outs! I loved this!!! Thank you for making my day with this fabulous post and shout-out to great people!

  10. Jessica! Thank you for this beautiful post. Good thing I'm naked-faced, or I'd have mascara tracks all down my cheeks. Working with you for the past few months has been journey-altering for me. We hooked up when I was struggling with my first attempt at a novel and you were working through your second novel. Your influence on my motivation and inspiration has incalculable value. And when your book deal came through for String Bridge, I felt so blessed to be bouncing cyber-shoulder to cyber-shoulder with you for that happy dance! Above all else, though, it's your friendship I value the most. Can't wait until the day we meet face-to-face. Now THAT'S going to be a party!

    Love ya, sweets!

  11. Oh my god. How do I not know Dawn? What the hell is wrong with me? Thanks Jess.

  12. Never mind. I do know Dawn. I just didn't recognize her without the champagne glass eye-glasses. LOL.

  13. I have several. One who fortunately doesn't mind me swearing in my email after she critted my query. I wasn't swearing at her. I was swearing because I knew she was right (I had known that before I sent her the query), but I was trying to do what another person told me to do. It resulted in a big query fail. ;) My friend pulled me through it.

  14. awe, that's awesome! Bloggin/writer buddies are the best and absolutely invaluable! Great post!

  15. Your crutches all sound like wonderful women. :)

    I couldn't get by without any of my CPs and betas. They are the scaffolding I cling to while building my books.

  16. What would we do without out internet friends. They have picked me up on more than one occasion. I'm so excited for you. Can't wait to see your book when it's finished.

  17. It's great to recognize your blogging buddies. I should do that more often myself. Have a great week!

  18. Aw sweetie, this brought tears to my eyes. Second time from you this week! Your writing is such a pleasure to read, I feel like I should thank you for allowing me to experience it before much of the rest of the world. I am honoured to be someone you can lean on. The compliments on your writing (and you) sincere - and well deserved. Love you. xoxoxo

  19. I don't have any CPs, as I'm just not quite to that point yet. But, my sister is a crutch. She's a photographer, so we both kind of push each other to keep going with our art. She's always the first person to read my work and is always honest with me about it.

    It's so good to have people that we can turn to, to help keep us going when times get tough and who we can celebrate the successes with. Without them, this writing journey would be far more difficult.

  20. That's so sweet!!! I have my besties and I wouldn't be able to do it without them. =)

  21. I really don't. I'm, in all honesty, a do-it myself-er. Just from sheer stubbornness. I love all my blog people, though. If I went a day without them, I'd be pretty lonely.

  22. Awesome shout out!!!

    I acquired several CP's in the last few months and we're all planning to exchange stuff in February. But so far we haven't yet! BUt I know they're their and it has made a difference so far!

  23. YAY for superstar writer friends who help us out! It's so wonderful to have people you can really count on.

  24. you're turning 30 on the 26th? I'm turning 30 on the 7th! We rock! Let's punch 2011 in the face together! (a love punch i mean.)

  25. Also, to speak on topic - my best writing pal is Hannah Kincade. I talk to her more than anyone else about the writings. It's a good time.

  26. Oh, holy cow yes.

    Lisa and Laura Roecker
    Beth Revis
    Christine Fonseca
    Ali Cross
    Shannon Messenger

    What a great post to your friends!

  27. I don't know Dawn or Shannon that well, but I consider Nicole a close friend. SHe is a jewel, and you scored big time when you formed you joined forces with her.

    I have several around the blogosphere I use as a crutch, walker, wheel chair, even life-support. If it were not for them, I would be long gone by now. :)

  28. awww thats awesome

    I don't really have a crutch but I've got a best friend that I feel cool confiding all the regrettable things I've done to. That helps.

  29. Aww. So awesome to give them a shout out!

    My crutches are my CPs/Operation Awesome gals and Renae Mercado. I don't know what I'd do without any of them. They rock.

  30. Oh, I have people I rely on. I should do a post to recognize them as well.

  31. Those guys sound great. I really depend on my critique group partners. And when I'm at a certain point in my writing, my sister. But she's my life crutch. Great post!

  32. Awesome people, and awesome post! I can't make it without my cp's, a few cherished blogger buddies, and my local writing crew. They keep me sane!

  33. Valerie Geary from Something to Write About is my CP. My only CP. That alone should tell you how much I rely on her. Fortunately, she is both brilliant and generous with her time. I have also had wonderful help and encouragement from Shannon Messenger, Elana J. and Jennie Englund. :-)

  34. I know Nicole - excellent choice! And I have two test readers that help me muddle through my writing mess.

  35. How did I miss that you're going to be published? Congratulations! And I am with you . . . it's so great to have supportive writing friends. :)

    Best of luck with revisions!

  36. My crit partners! They don't just crit, they listen to all my ramblings about writing in general!


“I'm using my art to comment on what I see. You don't have to agree with it.” ~John Mellencamp

“Allowing an unimportant mistake to pass without comment is a wonderful social grace” ~Judith S. Marin

“I don't ever try to make a serious social comment.” ~Paul McCartney

“I'd make a comment at a meeting and nobody would even acknowledge me. Then some man would say the same thing and they'd all nod.” ~Charlotte Bunch

“Probably what my comment meant was that I don't care about the circumstances if I can tell the truth.” ~Sally Kirkland

“We're not going to pay attention to the silliness and the petty comments. And quite frankly, women have joined me in this effort, and so it's not about appearances. It's about effectiveness.” ~Katherine Harris