Monday 7 February 2011

Disappearing Behind My Mushy Brain!

My brain is a bit mushy. But mushy in an awesomely GREAT way. This year, it seems, is going to be my year.

100 Stories for Queensland: Long ListThis morning I got word that a short story of mine was accepted into 100 Stories For Queensland. I also had a telephone interview with, and I got the job! I'm now officially an independent contractor with them, and will be working approx. 25 hours per week editing fiction manuscripts. I can't believe it. So much better than ELT! Food for thought, and money for food! ;o)

I'm a little stressed out today, but it's okay. I have about 60 pages left to revise on String Bridge, and I'm done. I need to write a new edition of a Writing Skills book for Hellenic American Union before the end of the month, and I have to start doing work for FirstEditing next week. Argh! I'm also writing poetry for that collection I spoke about last week. Too many things going on, but ... I think I'm coping. I am. I'm coping. Because I HAVE to. Come end month, I can relax my shoulders which I think, right this minute are hitched up to my ears as I try to type up this post real fast.

Do you ever have so much on your plate you wonder whether you might just disappear underneath it all? What do you do to relax?


  1. Congratulations on the job! That's great news.

    To relax? I read. Or take bubble baths by candlelight. Just don't read in the tub...

  2. Congratulations on the opportunity! Sounds like so much fun!!! Congrats on the story as well! Looks like you're doing really well!

    Good luck with String Bridge!!

    I'm currently dying under a pile of mush and looking to keep myself entertained. I used to soak in baths but they're no longer effective.

    Now I put some headphones on and jam out around the house dancing in odd places to keep myself occupied. Make look crazy but it lets out a lot of frustration.

  3. Congratulations on the job and getting your short story published. This definitely sounds like it's going to be your year!!

    I feel like I have way too much on my plate right now. I was seriously considering running away from the obligations but... I'm not. I'll deal with them all.

  4. So happy for you! You deserve it. Go get'em.

  5. I am so thrilled for you! Have fun with the new job. x

  6. Congrats on it all. That's wonderful. And what a great part time job!

  7. Congratulations! Though your year is starting out busy at least it's starting out well :-)

    To relax when buried under a mountain of work... Um, yeah, that would probably be the 10 min of reading I manage to squish in before collapsing to sleep at night! Other than that, you just gotta get through it and look forward to relaxing some other time!

  8. YEAH! Congratulations!

    I read to relax. Or (if I'm in the islands) go bask on the beach. Laughter is good too, a massage, or playing with my dog, or going for a ride with my hubby in our '57Chevy, or pull weeds. These are just a few....

  9. You know me and all my balls. It's HARD to do it all. Congrats on the new job!

  10. First – congratulations. That’s great news. There are times I’ve felt like that but it’s a rush getting through it all too. Best of luck!

  11. Congrats. The editing gig sounds challenging. I mean, it would be challenging for ME. I don’t have the patience to correct the your/you’re problems I see in my employees’ memos and letters.

    I’m glad there are people out there who DO have the patience.

    I suppose a lot of it would depend on the quality of material you’re editing, of course.

    Anyway, one tiny task at a time. Don’t look at the pile. Just one thing, then another.
    Have a great week!

  12. Congrats on the job! Woo hoo! That is so awesome!

    I always have too much on my plate. I can't wait for summer when I'll at least be done with school. =)

  13. Congratulations!!

    I do many things to relax...and those are also things that cause me stress! LOL! I love to read and write and watch TV/Movies but those things also stress me out as they are all tied to my impending future. I still love them though and they're a good stress...mostly.

  14. Congratulations on both your short story being accepted for publication AND on your new editing job! Talk about an excess of good fortune. I can see how it would seem a little overwhelming, but I know you'll figure it all out soon. Just, you know, add a few extra hours to your day. Simple, yes? ;)

  15. Oh, wow. Double congratulations! Awesome news.

    Yes. Sometimes I find myself with too much to do and longing for the days of only worrying about housework and going to work. But then I remind myself of how lost I'd be without my writing. It is worth it!

  16. I nap when I feel like that. Because when I'm really tired I feel really overwhelmed. But it sounds like some great things happening for you!

  17. Yay! Congrats on the job with FirstEditing, Jessica. And the publications of your short story - both wonderful news. :-)

  18. Congratulations on the job!

    Good luck with revisions! You'll be finished in no time!

    Congrats on the story acceptance too!

    Wow, you do have a lot going on. I think I'd first panic. Then, stop panicking. Breathe. Then divide and conquer. :)

  19. I always have too much on my plate...I think I prefer it that way. To relax? I read in a hot bubble bath, or watch episode after episode of Glee with my stepdaughter :-) (Or, Supernatural with handsome hubby...)

  20. Many congratulations on the job.

  21. Congrats on the job and the story acceptance, Jessica!

    Sounds like you have tons on your plate. But you can do it, for sure.

    To relax,I like to read or veg out with a girl movie. Sometimes, if it's a really bad day, I pour a glass of wine or two :)

    Take care,

    Do you have any love to share in 2011? Check out Love Every Day

  22. Congratulations on your story and the job!

  23. umm, yes. And Now. :D Relax? I don't know the meaning of this word... ;p

    but super congrats on the new job~

  24. I'm not going to pick one --Congratulations on your entire month! You deserve every bit of it.
    To relax? I shut off the phone and laptop; take a hot bath and curl up with my favorite authors and dvds. (I meant books of favorite authors as a few of them are reallly dead.)

  25. Congratulations on the job.
    Have you come down to earth yet????


  26. Congratulations on job and Queensland both awesome. A bath with wine and candles. Now that you are relaxed a night of dancing :)
    Jules @ Trying To Get Over The Rainbow

  27. Congratulations all around!

  28. Oh, yes, the time crunch...

    Relax? What's that?


    And it's funny, I just got full time job as an editor last week. Something must be in the air! Or the internet ether, anyhow.

  29. Congratulations! Here's some champagne [g] Or would you prefer chocolate?

  30. Oh, Jessica, tons of great news! Congratulations to you on all fronts! Will you do the new job INSTEAD or in addition to the job you currently do? Alone, it sounds like an ideal compliment to the writing stuff! Good on you!!!

  31. Congratulations on the new job. Sounds ideal for you.

  32. Congrats on all you work. How exciting to be that busy and get paid! I am so happy for you.

    From what I've gathered from your blog about you, I'm positive you can get through this without a hitch. You like to keep busy and would go nuts if you did't have at least ten different things going on at once.

    Relax isn't in my vocabulary. I am always doing something and spend countless hours on my macbook. A good massage by a hunky greek might solve your tension problems.... lol


  33. congratulations! This IS your year! SO much awesome!

  34. That is awesome news, even if it is making you insanely busy. Congrats!

  35. I have way too much on my plate, but that's ok. This is why I can't read and comment on as many blogs as I'd like, but I had to come over here and say congrats on your job! Totally awesome. :)


“I'm using my art to comment on what I see. You don't have to agree with it.” ~John Mellencamp

“Allowing an unimportant mistake to pass without comment is a wonderful social grace” ~Judith S. Marin

“I don't ever try to make a serious social comment.” ~Paul McCartney

“I'd make a comment at a meeting and nobody would even acknowledge me. Then some man would say the same thing and they'd all nod.” ~Charlotte Bunch

“Probably what my comment meant was that I don't care about the circumstances if I can tell the truth.” ~Sally Kirkland

“We're not going to pay attention to the silliness and the petty comments. And quite frankly, women have joined me in this effort, and so it's not about appearances. It's about effectiveness.” ~Katherine Harris