Wednesday 31 August 2011

Reading I'm looking forward to ...

I've had the following books on my shelf for a while. They're books that I can't WAIT to get stuck into, but I keep pushing further and further down the pile due to all the ARCs I keep agreeing to read. It's an addiction. Really. How can I turn down all these awesome ARCs from all these wonderful bloggers?

Anyhoo ... this is what's on my list of "can't wait to get to":

Bodily Harm, Margaret Atwood: "Rennie Wilford, a young jounalist running from her life, takes an assignment to a Caribbean island and tumbles into a world where no one is what they seem. When the burnt-out Yankee Paul (does he smuggle dope or hustle for the CIA?) offers her a no-hooks, no strings affair, she is caught up in a lethal web of corruption."

All New People, Anne Lamott: "In this child's-eye view of the fear and pain of growing up, Lamott shows in vivid word pictures that the child is parent of the adult. Nan Goodman, hurting after a failed marriage and her father's death, goes back to the town of her childhood. As skinny little Nanny, aged five to 12, she either adored or was ashamed of her leftist parents, her writer father who never made enough money for comfort and her devoutly Christian mother who was his inspiration."

Dark Places, Gyllian Flynn: "Libby Day, the protagonist of Flynn’s disturbing second novel, was, as a seven-year-old, the only survivor of her family’s brutal murder by her older brother, an event dubbed by the media the “Satan Sacrifice of Kinnakee, Kansas.” Twenty-five years later, she has become a hardened, selfish young woman with no friends or family. Since the tragedy, her life has been paid for by donations of well-wishers, but, with that fund now empty, Libby must find a way to make money..."

Moments of Being, Virginia Woolf: "Moments of Being contains Virginia Woolf’s only autobiographical writing: “By far the most important book about Virginia Woolf...that has appeared since her death” [Angus Wilson, Observer (London)]. Edited and with an Introduction by Jeanne Schulkind; Index."

Confusion is Next: The Sonic Youth Story, Alec Foege: "A literate and thorough biography of Sonic Youth, one of the most innovative and significant bands of the '80s and '90s. Foege is several cuts above the typical scribblers in rock journalism, and his insights about the possible obsolescence of critics in a pop culture are particularly interesting."

(note: all blurbs were taken from Amazon)
How about you? What are you looking forward to reading, but keep pushing further and further down your list?


  1. I just keep one book in the house that I want to read, I read it then go out and buy the next on my list.

    Have a lovely day.

  2. I have a to-read shelf and, at the moment, it is jam-packed. I’ve room for maybe one or two thin books and that is it. The problem is review copies which are always nice to receive but even though I’ve cut back on my reviewing I still can’t seem to find the time to pick up some of my own books. My daughter bought me both of Philip Larkin’s novels and I must have had them sitting there for over a year. I think it was her that bought me Stephen King’s On Writing which I’ve had since last Xmas and never even picked up. A friend sent me Gerald Murnane’s collection of essays, Invisible Yet Enduring Lilacs which I feel really guilty for not having started but I really need a clear head to read Murnane. I could go on. And there will be more books this Xmas too. I remember as a kid reading in the Bible, “there is no end to the making of many books, and much study is wearisome to the flesh,” but I didn’t get it – how could you have too many books? - now I get it.

  3. I've got too many too list, but the one I'm really looking forward to is one I can't talk about.

    Another one is String Bridge.

  4. Sounds like you'll need to go hide for awhile for all of those good reads.

    Sadly, I ordered a used book about a survivor, knowing that I would have more time to read now, and for the life of me, can't find it. So, now instead of reading, I am looking for that stinking book.

  5.'s thick...but I got through Stephen King's Duma loved every page. There are others too many to mention.

  6. I've got a whole stack. My kids are getting tired of me buying new bookshelves to fit them all in. I've gotta get reading!

  7. I LOVED "Dark Places!" In fact, "Sharp Objects" by Gillian Flynn is on my TR pile. Also on that pile is "SCRAWL" by Mark Schulman and "The Final Testament of the Holy Bible" by James Frey.

    Loving String Bridge!! The published version is SO different than the draft I was reading. Melody's voice is so different -- I'm very impressed and surprised, actually. What a difference!

    Hope all's well with you! ((hugs!))

  8. Looks like some interesting reading! You know what I'm reading right now? String Bridge... it's pretty good so far, have you heard of it? *wink*

  9. Why didn't I know about that Atwood book??!?! *lives under a rock*

  10. Oh, there are SO many. I keep getting sidetracked, like you!

    I love Atwood and Lamott. Enjoy!

  11. What I have waiting is Another Life: A Memoir of Other People by Michael Korda. (And so thankful you agreed to read my ARC, so nervous that you won't like it *gah*)

  12. There are WAY too many books I've been dying to read and haven't had any time for it! It's quite tragic, actually. :(

  13. Unfortunately I have a list of my blogger buddies' books I still need to tackle, all sitting there on my iPad, waiting...

  14. Never heard of that Ann Lamott. I’m reading “Traveling Mercies” right now, one essay a day, and loving it.

  15. Great choices! I loved Anne Lamott's Bird by Bird so I'm going to go through her other work eventually.

    (just a quick note to let you know I've passed on the 7x7 link award to you)


“I'm using my art to comment on what I see. You don't have to agree with it.” ~John Mellencamp

“Allowing an unimportant mistake to pass without comment is a wonderful social grace” ~Judith S. Marin

“I don't ever try to make a serious social comment.” ~Paul McCartney

“I'd make a comment at a meeting and nobody would even acknowledge me. Then some man would say the same thing and they'd all nod.” ~Charlotte Bunch

“Probably what my comment meant was that I don't care about the circumstances if I can tell the truth.” ~Sally Kirkland

“We're not going to pay attention to the silliness and the petty comments. And quite frankly, women have joined me in this effort, and so it's not about appearances. It's about effectiveness.” ~Katherine Harris