Monday 8 August 2011

"Come along with me and let's go back to when I had a future," Stephen T. McCarthy

Stephen T. McCarthy, 1979
Today I'd like to introduce you to a man I met in blogdom during Arlee Bird's very first A-Z April Challenge back in 2010. His name is Stephen T. McCarthy, and he is one of the nicest, most generous people I've ever met. But what makes this guy totally unique, is that I very much doubt he would like to be thought of like this. In fact, I think he would spit out some sort of sarcastic remark in reply to this, that would either make you laugh and splutter your coffee all over your computer screen (if you are like me and can see that he's seriously only yankin' yer chain), or get totally offended, want to vomit, and never speak to the guy again. ;o)

But see, that's what makes Stephen so great, and I wouldn't do a thing to change it. He makes me laugh. A lot. And once you get to know him, there's even more of that kinda medicine, PLUS, a kindhearted guy who will go out of his way to help you in anything he can.

So, (Stephen, I know you're cringing at this, sorry, matey), today he's posted a six part series about his hometown Los Angeles up until the time he left in 1992 for Arizona. He says, rather beautifully I might add, "Whereas New York City is like a rock - never changing - Los Angeles is like the ocean - always in a state of flux, always breaking and reforming like the surf. This was MY Homemegalopolis from a distant past, and not necessarily the city as She stands today."

The posts are quite long, but totally worth it (so bookmark them if you don't have time today), especially considering the city is viewed through the eyes of a man who is not only very politically aware, but a great great lover of art, literature, and especially music. Bob Dylan fans, you REALLY want to get to know this guy! And for all you writers out there, these posts are PERFECT for research if you have anything set in this neck of the woods.

So, get your butts over THERE and start reading!

But before you do, answer me this: What's the first wonderful aspect of your hometown that comes to mind when you think about it? And does it make you feel nostalgic?


  1. Hmm, the nice things that come to mind about my home town are so minor as to be not worthy of comment. I suppose that may explain why I have preferred to move constantly and live in various other places.

  2. How was I not following this guy? I've fixed it.

    My favorite thing about Seattle? Two mountain ranges on either side, both within a day's drive. No question.

  3. Hometown...the place of one's birth, rearing or main residence.
    I'll take number 1 Alex for reminiscence.
    The place of my birth and home for the first 13 years of my life was just on the outskirts of Newmarket Ontario Canada. The first thing that comes to mind is the long row of old maple trees that lined both sides of our extremely long driveway. On a hot summer day that driveway was a shady grove to bike in. In spring it was a source of maple sap that Gram boiled down into maple syrup. In winter it was a sight to behold clothed in feathery snow or iron ice. When I stand in our sun baked city driveway I am nostalgic for that space.

  4. I too met Stephen on that first A to Z Challenge and he is all you say he is. Yes, I bet he is cringing but we all speak the truth .
    Enjoy your day.

  5. I met Stephen during the first Challenge as well.
    I'm a military brat, so I don't really have a home town.

  6. I was an Air Force brat, so I don't really have a hometown, but I call it Washington, DC, where I did a good amount of growing up. I miss all that the nation's Capitol has to offer. FREE museums - and some of the best in the country - The Smithsonian. FREE zoo. Going to the Mall (the greenspace between the Lincoln Memorial and the Capitol Building) just to hang out. Sitting on the steps of the Jeffersom Memorial. And Georgetown...although I was never old enough to get into the myriad of bars. Can't say that stopped me, though. Lol I do miss it. Off to "meet" Stephen now.

  7. My hometown was on Long Island...and the NYC culture impacted me...going to museums, galleries, and the theatre. Though I've been gone many years, I still consider myself a New Yorker.

  8. My favorite part about my hometown is that it's so close to the Rocky Mountains. (Less than an hour away). :D

  9. Stephen sounds like a great guy. (Er, sorry, Stephen...)

    The most wonderful aspect of my hometown (San Antonio, TX)? I love the River Walk. It's lovely, and it's where hubs and I went on our first date. :)

  10. I really miss my hometown. I miss the coffee shops and the libraries the most. I can't think about it though, it makes me sad. Now, I'm going to check out Stephen's posts.

  11. My favourite thing about my hometown? the smell of the seagrass and the ocean. Sigh.

  12. Lots of things, but sadly I don't live there any more.

  13. The first things that comes to mind about my hometown is that we kids were free to go anywhere without fear. And our parents didn't worry either.

  14. I'm still in my hometown but I miss the one it use to be. Off to check this guy out. :)
    Jules @ Trying To Get Over The Rainbow

  15. My hometown? Sameness. lawns, Soccer, cars. That's probably not the nostalgic you were looking for, but that's Long Island to me. I love parts about it too, but that's what sticks.

    Before age 9, I grew up in New York City? I'd say: black snow mountains, ice cream truck, fire hydrant sprinklers, x-rated movie theatre, giant Catholic Church,

  16. Thanks for the intro Jessica :)

    My home town is Oroville, CA; home of the largest earth filled dam in the world.


  17. VERY cool! Thanks for the heads up! And my hometown, Baton Rouge, is known for food and music. But to me, I mix the two into festivals. There's always a festival going on downtown, and it's fantastic. They didn't have a reason for the August one, so it's called "Fest for All." LOL! :D

    and yes, I miss it~ :o) <3

  18. Sounds fabulous....heading over!

  19. >>...“he is one of the nicest, most generous people I've ever met.”

    AlliAllo, you really NEED to get out more often!

    Yes, I know you mentioned having composed some sort of blog bit about "My Homemegalopolis", but I had no idea you meant to post it TODAY! Shit! I thought you’d at least give me ample time to get the hell out of the Blogosphere first.

    >>...“PLUS, a kindhearted guy who will go out of his way to help you in anything he can.”

    Sorry, I can’t spare any right now. But if I get a raise at work someday, I could possibly make a short-term loan... at 35% interest.

    >>...“(Stephen, I know you're cringing at this, sorry, matey)”

    Ah, so you DO know me then, eh?

    >>...“Bob Dylan fans, you REALLY want to get to know this guy!”

    Ha!-Ha! And I don’t believe I made a single mention of Dylan in any of the 6 installments! Well, Dylan was a New York boy... except for the later years when he lived in Malibu.

    AlliAllo, seriously... thanks for the (too) kind words.

    19 comments. Isn’t that an all-time low for you? Hmmm... Imagine that, my "miracle-working" friend. ;o)

    ~ D-FensDogg
    ‘Loyal American Underground’


“I'm using my art to comment on what I see. You don't have to agree with it.” ~John Mellencamp

“Allowing an unimportant mistake to pass without comment is a wonderful social grace” ~Judith S. Marin

“I don't ever try to make a serious social comment.” ~Paul McCartney

“I'd make a comment at a meeting and nobody would even acknowledge me. Then some man would say the same thing and they'd all nod.” ~Charlotte Bunch

“Probably what my comment meant was that I don't care about the circumstances if I can tell the truth.” ~Sally Kirkland

“We're not going to pay attention to the silliness and the petty comments. And quite frankly, women have joined me in this effort, and so it's not about appearances. It's about effectiveness.” ~Katherine Harris