Thursday 20 September 2012

Vine Leaves Literary Journal anthology cover options. Help me choose a colour?

So I'm skipping retreat questions again this week because I have something a little more pressing ...

The best of Vine Leaves Literary Journal 2012 anthology.

I can't decide on a colour. Would you like to help me decide? I'm leaning more toward black, but that's because I love black and I always choose black. You should see my wardrobe!

Maybe I should give colour a little more of the limelight for a change.
What do you think?

Black? Blue? Red? Yellow? Or white?


  1. Change "red" to "orange" and I vote orange.

  2. I like the orange/red and black. What if you had green for leaves? I guess it is almost fall though. :)

    1. Yeah, I am umming and ahhring about the colour of "Leaves". Perhaps I shouldn't even have colour there at all ... decisions decisions ...

  3. You are going to get lots of different suggestions which may confuse you even more!:
    I think if the color of the border and the color of LEAVES is the same you'll do just fine. Personally, red pops out at me. Black seems hohum. Blue is okay except blue leaves doesn't make much sense. Yellow, just not right to me. Actually I think Matthew's idea of orange, to go with the orange leaves is good.

    1. The colour of 'leaves' is actually exactly the same colour as the border. It just must seem more orange because of the yellow glow around it. Optical illusion?

  4. I voted black. You should see MY wardrobe!

  5. I'm agreeing with the majority. Black...

  6. As usual, thinking outside the box, I would have gone with a green (leaves and all you know).

  7. I like red because it ties in with the colour of "Leaves" and there is still enough black to balance it out. But, lose the yellow around "Leaves" - it's very out of place and makes "Leaves" look orange.

  8. Black. Visually, I like the blue, but the red, white, and blue gives off a patriotic vibe that doesn't feel right. Agree with Carla about the yellow outline.

  9. I love the blue. Black is my second.

  10. I also like black, so that one has my vote.

  11. I think green should be one of the options. Or is that just too literal-minded? LOL. After all, vines generally don't change color unless they are diseased.

  12. LOL. Green doesn't work with the artwork, which I have chosen and am sticking with because it's done by one of the contributors. Plus the idea of doing something that actually resembles vines seems too commonplace for me. But that's just me :) And you know me, Laurel, always after something a bit different ... :)

    1. I figured there was some "outside the box" thinking going on. And I like the art and the visual play of people as leaves on a written line symbolizing the way writing connects us to a vine. Rock on.

      I voted black for the way it unifies the design. White would have been my second choice, but you didn't give weighted votes. :-)

    2. I'm totally thinking of scrapping the border now ... I've just done an even more simpler design ... I might email it to you, Laurel ...

  13. My vote=Blue. Reasons: it's a colour associated with water (soothing) and calmness. As shown in your samples, the cover looks fresh.

    Good luck. Looks interesting.

    1. Forgot this: My wardrobe is mostly black, too. Everything matches that way.

  14. Yellow. All but two of the other voters are crazy. Crazy, I tell you.

  15. I love black too, my wardrobe is largely black. However I voted for white, and my vote is amongst the tiniest group :)


“I'm using my art to comment on what I see. You don't have to agree with it.” ~John Mellencamp

“Allowing an unimportant mistake to pass without comment is a wonderful social grace” ~Judith S. Marin

“I don't ever try to make a serious social comment.” ~Paul McCartney

“I'd make a comment at a meeting and nobody would even acknowledge me. Then some man would say the same thing and they'd all nod.” ~Charlotte Bunch

“Probably what my comment meant was that I don't care about the circumstances if I can tell the truth.” ~Sally Kirkland

“We're not going to pay attention to the silliness and the petty comments. And quite frankly, women have joined me in this effort, and so it's not about appearances. It's about effectiveness.” ~Katherine Harris