Saturday 10 November 2012


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Have you been told there's a little too much telling in your novel? Want to remedy it? Then this is the book for you!

In Show & Tell in a Nutshell: Demonstrated Transitions from Telling to Showing you will find sixteen real scenes depicting a variety of situations, emotions, and characteristics which clearly demonstrate how to turn telling into showing. Dispersed throughout, and at the back of the book, are blank pages to take notes as you read. A few short writing prompts are also provided.

Not only is this pocket guide an excellent learning tool for aspiring writers, but it is a light, convenient, and easy solution to honing your craft no matter how broad your writing experience. Keep it in the side pocket of your school bag, throw it in your purse, or even carry it around in the pocket of your jeans or jacket, to enhance your skills, keep notes, and jot down story ideas, anywhere, anytime.

If you purchase the e-book, you will be armed with the convenient hyper-linked Contents Page, where you can toggle backward and forward from different scenes with ease. Use your e-reader's highlighting and note-taking tools to keep notes instead.

I also welcome questions via email, concerning the content of this book, or about showing vs. telling in general, at

“Jessica Bell addresses one of the most common yet elusive pieces of writing advice—show, don't tell—in a uniquely user-friendly and effective way: by example. By studying the sixteen scenes she converts from “telling” into “showing,” not only will you clearly understand the difference; you will be inspired by her vivid imagery and dialogue to pour through your drafts and do the same.” ~Jenny Baranick, College English Teacher, Author of Missed Periods and Other Grammar Scares
“A practical, no-nonsense resource that will help new and experienced writers alike deal with that dreaded piece of advice: show, don’t tell. I wish Bell’s book had been around when I started writing!” ~Talli Roland, bestselling author

Purchase the paperback:
$4.40 on Amazon US
£3.99 on Amazon UK

Purchase the e-book:
$1.99 on Amazon US
£1.99 on Amazon UK
$1.99 on Kobo

About me in a nutshell:
I'm an Australian-native contemporary fiction author and poet, who also makes a living as an editor and writer for global ELT publishers (English Language Teaching), such as Pearson Education, HarperCollins, Macmillan Education, Education First and Cengage Learning.

I am the Co-Publishing Editor of Vine Leaves Literary Journal, and co-host the Homeric Writers’ Retreat & Workshop on the Greek Isle of Ithaca, with Chuck Sambuchino of Writer’s Digest.

For more information about me, please visit: 


  1. I'm so excited it's out. Can't wait to get my copy!

  2. Awesome!!!! No iBookstore? Bummer. Will get my wife to download from Amazon, because this is a must have.

  3. Awesome! So excited for you Jessica.

  4. Thanks all! Alex, it's not DRM protected so you can read on any device you choose!

  5. Good Luck. I'd like to get your book too. I'd prefer the print book, but I have a KOBO. Hmmm.

  6. Hi Jess .. I'll be getting your book too - sounds it'll be of such good value to me ..

    All the very best with it .. String Bridge too - I'll catch up with your novel as well .. cheers Hilary

  7. Thanks Karen, and Hilary! Really appreciate your support.

  8. I bought it yesterday and although I didn't have time to read the whole thing I had a brief look. So far it seems like it's going to be a really helpful resource. Thanks for sharing your genius with us mere mortals!

    1. Hey Anstice! Glad you think so :-) Thanks so much for the support!

  9. Congrats, Jessica. I'm going to pick it up today.

  10. VERY cool! I know this is going to be a great success. Everybody needs this~ :D <3


“I'm using my art to comment on what I see. You don't have to agree with it.” ~John Mellencamp

“Allowing an unimportant mistake to pass without comment is a wonderful social grace” ~Judith S. Marin

“I don't ever try to make a serious social comment.” ~Paul McCartney

“I'd make a comment at a meeting and nobody would even acknowledge me. Then some man would say the same thing and they'd all nod.” ~Charlotte Bunch

“Probably what my comment meant was that I don't care about the circumstances if I can tell the truth.” ~Sally Kirkland

“We're not going to pay attention to the silliness and the petty comments. And quite frankly, women have joined me in this effort, and so it's not about appearances. It's about effectiveness.” ~Katherine Harris