I can't believe it's been a year since signing that contract with Lucky Press. Tomorrow is the release date for my debut novel and debut album which seconds as a soundtrack to String Bridge. THIS. IS. SO. EXCITING!
Before I go into any detail about what you can expect to see on my blog for the next twenty days, I'd like to say thank you with all my heart to all you wonderful authors, readers and bloggers who are taking part in this blog tour. THIS IS EPIC.
150 of you have signed up to help promote my book and/or album.
From tomorrow, aside from showcasing each day's blogs according to the schedule below my posts (I'm hoping this blog tour will also bring more readers and writers together, other than just promote my book!), I'm going to start titling my posts with lines from String Bridge, and also use those lines as prompts for my blog post each day (you're going to learn A LOT about me over the next 20 days, with photos to boot!). In addition, I'm going to run a little contest.
Has anyone ever guessed the amount of jellybeans in a jar at a fun fair? Well, think of it as something as random as that.
Here's the deal for the 10-Day contest (open internationally):

Also, don't forget, that on the Amazon Chart Rush day, November 11th, if you purchase the book (either paperback or eBook) and then email me your receipt to jessica(dot)carmen(dot)bell(at)gmail(dot)com, you will automatically receive a free MP3 download of the soundtrack to the novel, entitled Melody Hill: On the Other Side.
Karen Jones Gowen ~ (Review) (August 17th) Thank you, Karen, this review made my year! So much so that a snippet of it found its way to the cover of the book!
"I love to read and I believe in the power of books to change lives. My passion is to empower authors and promote literacy. Editor, WiDo Publishing. Co-founder, Celerytree.com. I blog (excessively) about writing, editing, and publishing issues. I tweet a lot. My published works are Farm Girl, a memoir, and Uncut Diamonds, a novel. House of Diamonds is scheduled for 2011 release by WiDo Publishing."

Before I go into any detail about what you can expect to see on my blog for the next twenty days, I'd like to say thank you with all my heart to all you wonderful authors, readers and bloggers who are taking part in this blog tour. THIS IS EPIC.
150 of you have signed up to help promote my book and/or album.
From tomorrow, aside from showcasing each day's blogs according to the schedule below my posts (I'm hoping this blog tour will also bring more readers and writers together, other than just promote my book!), I'm going to start titling my posts with lines from String Bridge, and also use those lines as prompts for my blog post each day (you're going to learn A LOT about me over the next 20 days, with photos to boot!). In addition, I'm going to run a little contest.
Has anyone ever guessed the amount of jellybeans in a jar at a fun fair? Well, think of it as something as random as that.
Here's the deal for the 10-Day contest (open internationally):
- You read the line in the title and guess which page it appears in String Bridge. (people who have read the book can not compete, sorry!)
- You write your guess in a comment and make sure you're following this blog.
- On Friday November 11th, the Amazon Chart Rush day, I'll announce the winner. The winner will be the person who first guesses a number CLOSEST to the page a line falls on (pg. 1-288) If you guess and comment on all TEN posts (from Nov 1st - 10th) you'll have ten chances at winning the prize, which is:
Signed String Bridge CD (Melody Hill: On the Other Side)
Signed copy of Twisted Velvet Chains (my poetry book)
PLUS a random book off my bookshelf (we'll have a chat if you win, so you don't get a book you already own.)

And now to today's participants. The following are early posters so I'm directing you to their already posted posts, rather than just their blogs. So do me a favor, when you finish reading, please give their blogs a little perusal! :o)
Leigh T. Moore ~ (Review) (Today! October 31st) For some reason I didn't think there was much joy in String Bridge, but now I can see that there is, and what a great feeling to realize something new about your own work! Thank you so much, Leigh.
"Writer, editor, novelist, mom. New posts on Mondays & Thursdays. Leave a comment, make a suggestion, stay a while~"
Sharon Mayhew ~ (Review) (Today! October 31st) In which she also talks about my poetry!
"I'm a mother, wife, former elementary teacher and writer. I'm an alumnus of the Highlights Foundation Summer Workshop and a SCBWI member. I usually post on Thursday. I read blogs most nights from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. instead of watching TV (unless Survivor is on). Thanks for stopping by. I'm looking forward to getting to know you."
"Writer, editor, novelist, mom. New posts on Mondays & Thursdays. Leave a comment, make a suggestion, stay a while~"
Sharon Mayhew ~ (Review) (Today! October 31st) In which she also talks about my poetry!
"I'm a mother, wife, former elementary teacher and writer. I'm an alumnus of the Highlights Foundation Summer Workshop and a SCBWI member. I usually post on Thursday. I read blogs most nights from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. instead of watching TV (unless Survivor is on). Thanks for stopping by. I'm looking forward to getting to know you."
Karen Jones Gowen ~ (Review) (August 17th) Thank you, Karen, this review made my year! So much so that a snippet of it found its way to the cover of the book!
"I love to read and I believe in the power of books to change lives. My passion is to empower authors and promote literacy. Editor, WiDo Publishing. Co-founder, Celerytree.com. I blog (excessively) about writing, editing, and publishing issues. I tweet a lot. My published works are Farm Girl, a memoir, and Uncut Diamonds, a novel. House of Diamonds is scheduled for 2011 release by WiDo Publishing."
Renae Mercado ~ (Review) (October 26th) Renae is quite the YA reader (and writer) so I was very interested to see how she went with String Bridge, which is very far from what she'd usually pick up. I think I may have succeeded to please! :o)
"When I'm not busy with my two adorable kids, or teaching second grade, I write young adult novels and love to read."
"When I'm not busy with my two adorable kids, or teaching second grade, I write young adult novels and love to read."
Laurel Garver ~ (Interview) (October, 27th) In which we talk about the making of a book launch.
"Writer, magazine editor, professor's wife and mom to an energetic third grader. Indie film enthusiast and incurable Anglophile. I post Tuesdays and Thursdays (and sporadically on other days when the need arises).
I write young adult novels, literary flash fiction and poetry. I love smart, sassy characters and stories that delve into the dark places where heart and soul are tested and growing up truly begins."
"Writer, magazine editor, professor's wife and mom to an energetic third grader. Indie film enthusiast and incurable Anglophile. I post Tuesdays and Thursdays (and sporadically on other days when the need arises).
I write young adult novels, literary flash fiction and poetry. I love smart, sassy characters and stories that delve into the dark places where heart and soul are tested and growing up truly begins."
The Secret Writer ~ (Interview) (October 28th) Drop by here if you're interested in learning such things as how I started playing guitar and my embarrassing trash TV habits *cough*.
"My real name is Calum and I live in the UK. I started writing when I was fairly young, but have only started to write seriously over the past number of years. I have written and had published, quite a few articles for a variety of newspapers, journals and corporate websites. I also recently have started to write and publish a number of book reviews. As my full time day job is involved in the field of healthcare, reading, writing and blogging is my best way of chilling out after a hard day at 'the office'!"
"My real name is Calum and I live in the UK. I started writing when I was fairly young, but have only started to write seriously over the past number of years. I have written and had published, quite a few articles for a variety of newspapers, journals and corporate websites. I also recently have started to write and publish a number of book reviews. As my full time day job is involved in the field of healthcare, reading, writing and blogging is my best way of chilling out after a hard day at 'the office'!"
To see the full schedule, let me direct you to the STRING BRIDGE BOOK & MUSIC BLOG TOUR tab.
Please TWEET & FACEBOOK this post using #StringBridge!
PS: The winner of Friday's contest is L. Diane Wolfe! Congrats! Yep. My feet were the ones in the blue shoes and only ONE person guessed correctly.
Please TWEET & FACEBOOK this post using #StringBridge!
PS: The winner of Friday's contest is L. Diane Wolfe! Congrats! Yep. My feet were the ones in the blue shoes and only ONE person guessed correctly.