Monday 5 July 2010

My writing corner for our eyes only (Shhh!)

Last Friday Zoe from No Letters On My Keyboard posted about her writing nook and shared photos with us. It was supposed to be a group effort thing last Friday, and linked to The Rejectionist's blog, but seeing as I'm late, I'm just going to share this with all my blog buddies and link to Zoe's page. Fair? Fair.
Okey Dokey ... this is also where I work, because I work from home. I LOVE my office and this office would be sorely missed if I were to leave Athens. I'm already in tears over the sacrifices I'd have to make. But anyway, I shouldn't let my mind run away with it's imagination because I don't even know what I'm doing yet.

Right, this is where the magic happens ... or doesn't happen. In which case, this is where I like to:
1 drink my morning coffee
2 rub Holly's belly with my feet while I convince myself I'm writing
3 read your blogs when I'm blocked
4 read your blogs when I'm supposed to be working
5 read your blogs and then email my boss (es) to tell them I'm going to be a bit late in submitting my work because of some unforseen issues with our plumbing (if anyone I work for is reading this - I'm joking, ok?)
6 drink coffee, eat choc-chip biscuits, ice cream, chocolate mousse, or Greek yoghurt with melon and honey (if I decide I need to cut down on the sweets)
7 surf the internet for medical and archaeological terminology for my WIP, then try to think of puns to go with them so I sound smart.
8 start dreaming about UK and suddenly deciding to apply for jobs at Hodder Headline and Penguin (yeah, right, keep dreaming Jessica)
9 watch episodes of so you think you can dance via megavideo
10 ignore my fiance's pleas to make some dinner (he's becoming a good cook lately)

So, I could go on with this list but I might bore you. For now, I'll leave you with a few more pics :o)

PS: I painted the walls myself :o) pretty cool, huh?
So, where does your magic happen?

(Tomorrow tune in for an interviw with Jen Daiker of Unedited!)


  1. LoL.
    Recognized the shelf with the Collins instantly. : j
    Thumbs up for scrabble and purple walls.
    Holly's looking picturesque, as usual. ;j

  2. LOVE the colors! I'm due to paint's been a few years, my colors are wearing on me.

    Also love the office. All those books and a permanent station! I write everywhere...but I'd love a door to shut (and lock!)

  3. Yay coffee! And I like your writing space too, it's actually got space! To describe my space, if I had to take a photo of it I would have to carefully dodge all of the precariously placed stacks of paper and empty coffee mugs to get to my camera, and then weave my way back through discarded laundry and open books. Yup, it's pretty messy :P

    But you've got a nice setup going on there, I like it!

  4. I have no place of my own. I'm on my laptop at the dining room table at the moment.

    How I long for my own retreat! Yours looks very productive. I love the color and the bookshelves. I always feel inspired when surrounded by books.

  5. I love the colors! Great job painting! Your dog is sooo cute!

  6. I love your office and colors. *day dreams about painting office (bedroom) walls*

  7. Sweet! I love the walls! My magic happens on a couch in the living room. I've tried sitting at the table and at the desk in our room, but I can't sit there too long. I could work on the couch all day though.

  8. Love this!! I do the belly-rubbing thang with my feet, too. Funny. I have an office, which I've yet to share. It comes with a great story. But I also work in our kitchen, on our porch, and on our back deck.

    Love the photos!!

  9. I'm so excited to be interviewed by you! It's going to be a blast!

    I love the paint! Mine isn't near as exciting, more or less because it isn't my own, but in December I plan on making the second bedroom a very adorable writing room, in which pictures will be accompanied because you'll have to see the awesomeness!

  10. There's you dreaming of the UK and me dreaming to get out of it, I got used to the Spanish climate and was there for 3 years one of the reasons I came back was my eldest son was diagnosed with cancer.......he is remission at the moment, the other reason I don't talk about,
    Look forward to your interview,
    Take care,

  11. LOVE your writing space! Love the colors, that everything is within arm's/foot's reach, and your writing companion. :)

    I'm still away on holiday/vacation (we're in Maine) so I apologize for not getting around the blogosphere lately...but I really do miss you 'guys'. I'll be back around when we return home from Maine in mid July...of course, then you'll be away. ;)

    Have a wonderful trip.

  12. Are you kidding? Greece, a Comfy Nook, and a vacay to Ithaca?! Lovely!!

    Enjoy them all!

    PS GOOD list. Sounds like my ideal work-day.


  13. Your office rocks! And your vacations too, how fancy!

    Hope everything works with London!

  14. My poor husband has made me "several" writing spots around the house - two offices (one in our bedroom) and yet, I often write at the kitchen table. Sigh. Your magic space looks like a hotbed for creativity!

  15. That's a nice little corner. I'd spend my time petting the dog as well.

  16. I love your workspace! I'm plopped in a corner of the couch. Not too exciting.

  17. Just look at your organized desk and office space! Never in a million years could my desk be that tidy.

  18. I love it, especially the book shelves!

  19. Love the colour of the walls! It looks so cozy and comfy... and I need a chair like that! My office is a rather bland affair. You may have inspired me!

    Looking forward to tomorrow's interview!

  20. You got some color going on there! I've got plain white walls-- my wife would never go for the colors even if it is my office, it's partly her house. But white is okay with me too. I posted my office back in January.

    Tossing It Out

  21. Great colors! I have a laptop and wireless so I go all over the place. Right now I'm enjoying the back yard :)

  22. Love your colours and your workspace! Awesome.

    I work on a laptop, so I tend to move - I mostly use a comfy chair in the living room :)

  23. That everything is within foot or hand reach is great. Love your office.

    My nook is in my kitchenette where I can look over at my wall of Movie Memorabilia, my shrine to the stuff that dreams are made of.

    I don't want to say my nook is cluttered but Gypsy, my cat, has taken to wearing sunglasses lest someone come in and recognize her in this hodgepodge. Roland

  24. THat's a great looking nook and I think nook is a great word to describe it too.


  25. Holly is just gorgeous! I love your writing nook and the soothing colours. Well done on the oh so professional paint work.

    I write at the kitchen table. No little nook for me. Though if I put my mind to it, I could make one for myself. Just easier to sit at the table.

  26. I was going to be excited that there was someone else in love with Greek yogurt...and then I realized that you live in Greece and it's probably easily available. Lucky. :)

  27. LOVE IT!!!!

    The best part, hands down, is the dalmation throw rug

  28. Holy Crap, Jessica. I absolutely LOVE the colors on your wall. How can you NOT feel creative with so much going on around you. Rock on!!

  29. Love your space. At the moment the only spare room we have is taken over by the significant other. Comes with living with a musician. Guitars, amps, musical equipment line the walls from floor to ceiling.

    In any case I absolutely love working on my dining room table. It's an old 6ft. long farmhouse table, complete with warm woodwork and scuff marks. I love the fact I can spread out and have everything within reach. Then again there is the window facing the woods. I absolutely need to see outside to keep creative. (Hugs)Indigo


“I'm using my art to comment on what I see. You don't have to agree with it.” ~John Mellencamp

“Allowing an unimportant mistake to pass without comment is a wonderful social grace” ~Judith S. Marin

“I don't ever try to make a serious social comment.” ~Paul McCartney

“I'd make a comment at a meeting and nobody would even acknowledge me. Then some man would say the same thing and they'd all nod.” ~Charlotte Bunch

“Probably what my comment meant was that I don't care about the circumstances if I can tell the truth.” ~Sally Kirkland

“We're not going to pay attention to the silliness and the petty comments. And quite frankly, women have joined me in this effort, and so it's not about appearances. It's about effectiveness.” ~Katherine Harris