Friday 6 April 2012

#AtoZChallenge: Fat Boy Slim

Before I get to today's post, I have an announcement to make. Vine Leaves Literary Journal, Issue #02 is now live! Please do yourself a favour and take a gander. The writing in this issue really is inspirational.

Today's Post:

Ah Fat Boy ... I'm afraid you never inspired me to do much else than drink vodka and dance on bars ... in fact, I think you may have triggered the death of a few creative brain cells during my university years ... FUNK SOUL BRUTHA!

Don't forget to drop by Dawn Ius' blog, my partner in crime, to see her music pick for F.

To see a list of A-Z Challenge hosts and participants, click here. 

To listen to my music click here!

REMEMBER! During the challenge, I will choose a random commenter every two days, to receive a free download of one of my albums. Your choice! That's thirteen winners. How does that sound? Tell your friends! Just comment for a chance to win.


  1. Thanks for the Fat Boy Slim video. Nope, never heard of that band either. Am I on the same planet?

  2. LOVE Fatboy Slim! His music was HUGE when I was at school!

  3. Congratulations on the second issue of Vine Leaves!
    Wasn't Christopher Walken in one of Fatboy Slim's videos?

  4. That one with Christopher Walken was brilliant!!! What a dancer... I'm checking out the Vine leaves now...

  5. Second edition....hurray.

  6. Nice blog theme - learning about some new artists and re-appreciating some that I had forgotten about! Thanks!

  7. Cool! I'll even Retweet the post.

  8. Fatboy Slim--I would not have expected it here!

    Thank you for you and Dawn, and all of your hard work on Vine Leaves Literary Journal. The artwork is stunning, which adds to the pieces.

  9. Okay, don't know this one either... but it doesn't do anything for me.

  10. Fat Bloy Slim is cool girl. Not exactly my usual playlist, but they find their way in now and then.
    - Maurice Mitchell
    The Geek Twins | Film Sketchr
    @thegeektwins | @mauricem1972

  11. Yeah, for another issue! So proud of you. :D

  12. Cool. I'm not a huge fan. But I can see the appeal.

  13. OMG, I LOVE that song! I would not have expected this F choice from you :-) Nice.

  14. Here's some fun Fat Boy Slim Trivia for ya: on the track Fat Boy Slim is Fucking in Heaven, that sample (the title of the song) is spoken by Freddy Fresh, who is a DJ/Producer from Minneapolis, and was my partner Josh's mentor.

    All of that music reminds me of getting wasted.

  15. Love Fat Boy Slim and have similar college memories inspired by different music because I'm a little older than you!

  16. I don't think I've ever heard any of this... I think I'll just need to start a list and label it "Jessica's recommendations." :)

  17. Thanks for the link to Vine Leaves Journal. Lovely post about Fat Boy. Great F day post.

  18. Love that group and that song!

  19. Great post and music. I love when people recommend different music and I find hidden treasures...

  20. Fascinating blog! I could spend too much time here...You are so talented!
    I'm familiar with Pearson Ed. Are you doing much for virtual school? We love it.

    Kelly Stilwell

  21. I haven't heard this for ages. Nice one :-)

  22. Being a piano freak when listening to modern music, I love "Praise You" - just love it...and the lyrics.

  23. Fat boy music pounded through my house when the kids were home. Good choice.

  24. I never could get into Fatboy Slim, except for that "Praise You" song ;) That vid clip was hilarious.


“I'm using my art to comment on what I see. You don't have to agree with it.” ~John Mellencamp

“Allowing an unimportant mistake to pass without comment is a wonderful social grace” ~Judith S. Marin

“I don't ever try to make a serious social comment.” ~Paul McCartney

“I'd make a comment at a meeting and nobody would even acknowledge me. Then some man would say the same thing and they'd all nod.” ~Charlotte Bunch

“Probably what my comment meant was that I don't care about the circumstances if I can tell the truth.” ~Sally Kirkland

“We're not going to pay attention to the silliness and the petty comments. And quite frankly, women have joined me in this effort, and so it's not about appearances. It's about effectiveness.” ~Katherine Harris