Friday 11 November 2011


Today is THE day to help STRING BRIDGE hit the bestseller list on Amazon, and receive the all-original soundtrackMelody Hill: On the Other Sidewritten and performed by me, for free!

All you have to do is purchase the book today (paperback, or eBook), November 11th, and then email the receipt to jessica.carmen.bell(at)gmail(dot)com. I will then email you a link to download the album at no extra cost!

To purchase the paperback:
Amazon USA (and Australia)

To purchase the eBook:
Amazon USA (and Australia)

To listen to samples of the soundtrack, visit iTunes.

If you are not familiar with String Bridge, check out the book trailer:

Rave Reviews for String Bridge:

Jessica Bell’s STRING BRIDGE strummed the fret of my veins, thrummed my blood into a mad rush, played me taut until the final page, yet with echoes still reverberating. A rhythmic debut with metrical tones of heavied dark, fleeting prisms of light, and finally, a burst of joy—just as with any good song, my hopeful heartbeat kept tempo with Bell’s narrative.~ Kathryn Magendie, author of Sweetie and Publishing Editor of Rose & Thorn Journal

“Poet and musician Jessica Bell's debut novel String Bridge is a rich exploration of desire, guilt, and the difficult balancing act of the modern woman. The writing is lyrical throughout, seamlessly integrating setting, character and plot in a musical structure that allows the reader to identify with Melody's growing insecurity as her world begins to unravel … String Bridge is a powerful debut from a promising writer, full of music, metaphor, and just a hint of magic.” ~ Magdalena Ball, author of Repulsion Thrust and Sleep Before Evening

Jessica Bell is a brilliant writer of great skill and depth. She doesn't pull back from the difficult scenes, from conflict, pain, intensity. She puts it all out there, no holds barred, no holding back. She knows how to craft a scene, how to develop character, how to create suspense. This is an absolutely brilliant debut novel. I look forward to reading her next novel, and next and next.” ~ Karen Jones Gowen, author of Farm Girl, Uncut Diamonds and House of Diamonds

Connect with me:

String Bridge:

Please TWEET & FACEBOOK this post using #StringBridge! Or just copy/paste the announcement below:

Buy Jessica Bell’s debut from Amazon today & receive the soundtrack 4 free! or #StringBridge

Announcing the winner of my contest! MAINE CHARACTER congratulations you've won! On Monday, November 7th, you guessed page 57, and holy moly my jaw dropped because the line fell on page 58! Nice guess! I'll be in touch for a postal address. Cheers!


Today's blog participants are MANY. You can see a full list of Amazon Chart Rush pluggers in my Blog Tour Schedule, but there are still some that are posting more than a plug, and these fantabulous people are:

Bonnie Wagner ~ (Review) Bonnie and I have really just met and I can't wait to get to know her better!

"Main Entry: bon·niePronunciation: \ˈbä-nē\
Function: female
Etymology: Scottish, English; perhaps derived from the French word "bon," meaning good or nice.
A bonny lass enjoys singing at the top of her lungs, meandering her way through telling the stories of the characters living inside her head, eating strawberries, tinkering around in Photoshop, catching fireflies for the sheer joy of letting them go again, and getting lost in a good book. "

Dawn Dalton ~ (Music Review/Interview) This is Dawn Ius' alter ego :o) where she showcases her YA and Middle Grade Fiction.

Glynis Smy ~ (Review) Another review which ended up on my website.

"I was born in the UK and now live in a rural village, on the Southern side of Cyprus. I am a writer. I write Historical Romance (with a twist). I have had articles published in magazines in the UK and Cyprus. There are two poetry books and a Children's book out there with my name and pen name (Nissi Peters) on. My poetry blog is listed on the Top 100 Poetry Blogs. I am married with 3 adult children, they lead their own lives, the girls live in the UK, and our son is in Vancouver, Canada. Since leaving long nursing shifts behind I find myself having hobbies! I cross stitch, make cards and swim. I am a Halloween Baby, I have my moments and they are always blonde ones!"

A Southpaw's POV ~ (Interview) In which I reveal my totally eccentric comfort food.

"I’m a fantasy / urban fantasy writer. I enjoy creating illustrations, taking photographs, and cooking. I post about these topics (and other things that hit my fancy) once or twice a week. Oh, and I’m a southpaw."

Janice Phelps Williams ~ This is my publisher and cover designer talking about the making of the String Bridge book cover. So so interesting!

"I am involved in various creative endeavors in art, illustration, crafts, and writing. Learn more at and"

Jessica Hill ~ (Review) She is actually a great poet, but I don't think you'll ever see her admitting that!

"Jessica enjoys the feel of sand between her toes, the sounds of the ocean, sunshine, and 70-degree weather. In a twist of fate, she was born in rural Ohio in a small industrial town that's surrounded by farmland and, despite numerous declarations of someday busting out and shaking the dust from her Converses, still resides there today."

Jo Schaffer ~ (Interview) In which I offer my opinion on a very thought-provoking Thomas Moore quote.

"Healthy, happy, intelligent and empowered mama... And soon to be published author! I grew up in a big family in the Bay Area of California, had a great childhood, attended college at BYU London, England and stateside. Then married my sweet filmmaker/artist husband and have three sons who also love the arts. Creativity abounds in this house! I'm a proud member of Writers Cubed and Co-Founder of the super cool and successful Teen Author Boot Camp. Life is busy and good. (="

Mason Canyon ~ (Review) She IS the book review QUEEN.

"I love reading and that is why I do reviews. I post them here, as well as several other sites such as Goodreads, Amazon and Barnes & Noble. If you are an author who would like for me to review your book or you would like to guest blog here, please contact me at These reviews are done for the love of a good book, not for monetary rewards. I'm also a freelance editor. For more on my services, drop by Freelance Editing By Mason"

Renae Mercado ~ (Interview) In which I get carried away with clichés!

"When I'm not busy with my two adorable kids, or teaching second grade, I write young adult novels and love to read."

Robyn Campbell ~ (Review) We are relatively new to each others' blog too. I really ought to stop by and say hi more often!

"I was born and raised in South Florida. South Miami and the Keys."

Stephen Parrish ~ (Review/Interview) In which I reveal that my mother did NOT pull the heads off my barbie dolls!

"I'm the author of THE TAVERNIER STONES."

Talli Roland ~ (Review) Another great review that ended up on my website. Thank you, Talli!

"When I'm not slurping coffee or wine, I write humorous romantic fiction. THE HATING GAME and WATCHING WILLOW WATTS are available now; BUILD A MAN will be released in Dec 2011. I'm also the author of the 24 HOURS travel guides under the name Marsha Moore."

Valerie Jolley ~ (Blog Tour Love) She's making a cake of my book cover!


PS: Also today there are three writers having a twitter party to celebrate the launch of their books — C.K. Bryant (Bound), Rashelle Workman (Exiled), and Ali Cross (Become)! Check out Dark C.A.R.M.A for more info!


  1. Good Golly Miss Molly! So looking forward to getting your books and hearing the full CD!

  2. Awesome Jessica. I'm off to spread the word.

  3. Congratulations to the winner and congratulations to yourself for your exciting launch.

  4. Thanks for letting me a be a part of the chart rush! I seriously can't wait to read it! I loved the sample on your website and I love poetic emotional writing!

  5. Super Congrats! I wish you many, many sales today (and in the future)!!

  6. Wow, congrats to the winner! That's a great guess.

    Yay for your book launch chart rush! :D

  7. Been there (at 3:45 this AM)...done that, and I'm listening to your soundtrack right now (and its really good...not shitting you!). All that's left is to wait on the mailman! :)

  8. Happy Chart Rush Day, Jessica!!! Congratulations on your debut of String Bridge and the release of your soundtrack. So happy and honored to be a part of the celebration! :)

  9. bleah... made it through my dark karma this a.m. We're all good, and super good luck to you today!

    Now... how am I going to get my copy autographed??? :D <3

  10. It's finally here. I do hope you let us how how it goes.

    Congratulations MC!

  11. Jessica - Today is so much fun. Thanks for mentioning us.

    I love the little pieces I've listened to of your soundtrack and the books sounds awesome!

  12. Woot!! Yay for String Bridge day!! You've set the blogosphere on fire today, Jessica. :-)

  13. Yay! Just bought my copy! Good luck with the chart rush :)

  14. This is FABULOUS! I'm off to buy and I'm listening to your song right now you posted ... Darlin, you are amazing! Absolutely amazing!

  15. Good luck Jessica! You are all over the internet today.

  16. I have my eBook copy! And I've been Tweeting all day for you since I already had RaShelle as a guest today. Can't wait to post my review of the CD next week.

  17. Super cool--congrats!!!!!!

  18. Congrats! I am reading the preview chapter; it is amazing... ;D


“I'm using my art to comment on what I see. You don't have to agree with it.” ~John Mellencamp

“Allowing an unimportant mistake to pass without comment is a wonderful social grace” ~Judith S. Marin

“I don't ever try to make a serious social comment.” ~Paul McCartney

“I'd make a comment at a meeting and nobody would even acknowledge me. Then some man would say the same thing and they'd all nod.” ~Charlotte Bunch

“Probably what my comment meant was that I don't care about the circumstances if I can tell the truth.” ~Sally Kirkland

“We're not going to pay attention to the silliness and the petty comments. And quite frankly, women have joined me in this effort, and so it's not about appearances. It's about effectiveness.” ~Katherine Harris