Sunday 9 May 2010

I just can't keep reading this ...

I tried.
I really persevered.

The fact that this book started off with the protagonist killing her dementia-ridden, diarrhea-soaked, helpless yet bitch of a mother, was enough to evoke disgust - BUT a damn lot of curiosity.

So I kept reading ...

I felt like puking, but I seriously wanted to know how she was going to get out of this. Then followed a whole lot of back story - WAY too much of it - and I got bored. What is going to come of this murder? But I still kept reading because the first chapter was so off the wall and disgusting enough for me to want to know what's going to happen to this strangely interesting woman.

Finally, about 30 more pages through, she puts her mother in a freezer in the basement, chops off a lock of her hair and puts it in her purse. She visits her best friend, who isn't at home - but her son is. So she tells her best friend's teenage son to get in the car and to "fuck" her - he obliges.

This woman is filthy, insane - so why do I want to keep reading?

I don't like her at all, but I sure do want to know what is making her tick.

So I keep reading ...

I've now read past 100 pages, and it's all backstory and I haven't found out anything else to do with the killing of her mother, just why she hated her so much when she was a kid. I'm bored, and though still quite disgusted in her, I have lost interest now becasue the pace has slowed way down and I still don't like her.

I love the premise of the story. I love the fact that I want wanted to read about a woman I passionately disliked, but the intensity faded. Too bad.

So, The Almost Moon, by Alice Sebold, the best-selling multi-millionairess, shall officially be put to rest today. I don't give a toss what happens. I'm starting another book.


  1. Here's to new beginnings!
    Live and love -erm... Live and hate another day.
    May your next book be more to your liking.

  2. I have found a few books with ati-heroes that I really enjoyed reading. There's no excuse for boring though.

  3. Hope the next books better,
    Happy reading.

    Have a peaceful Sunday.


  4. I have learned that hopeful optimism in a bad beginning is rarely rewarded. What I haven't figured out yet is what inspires people to write such putrid stuff, or even less, to publish it?

  5. I feel guilty every time I put a book down unfinished. I hear the school librarian from 30 years ago harping at us, "why start a book if you're not going to finish it?"

    There are some, though, that you just can't finish no matter what.

  6. HA! I've not read it, but MAN....I hate when you invest in a book and it comes up that short.

  7. I salute you!
    Normally, I finish any book I start, but sometimes when a book is something I just cannot relate to, I do dump the book because my sanity is more important than my principles. This book I would have dumped much before you did.

  8. The Alice Sebold of The Lovely Bones wrote this?! EEwww...It sounds horrible & provocative to say the least. Also sounds like she tried to hard to be shocking! Move on I say!

  9. I almost never put books down. Last weekend on vacation I found a book and tried to read it. The author blurb mentioned he was a bestseller - all kinds awards, etc. The writing was beyond terrible. It was all tell, confusing character pov jumping - in the same paragraphs at times! - tons of backstory, and all around boring. Ugh.

    I hate when that happens!

  10. I almost never put books down. Last weekend on vacation I found a book and tried to read it. The author blurb mentioned he was a bestseller - all kinds awards, etc. The writing was beyond terrible. It was all tell, confusing character pov jumping - in the same paragraphs at times! - tons of backstory, and all around boring. Ugh.

    I hate when that happens!

  11. Was is THAT bad? Wow... I'm almost intrigued. But just almost:)

  12. Wow, I didn't expect an Alice Sebold novel to disappoint. Can't say it appeals to me, though I did love 'The Lovely Bones'.

    I love reading about anti-heroes and unsympathetic protagonists, but only when it's done really, really well. I think 'The White Tiger' by Aravind Adiga is a great example, and it's never boring. If you're interested!

  13. I knew it was that book!

    I had the same reaction. And I put it down, too, in almost exactly the same place. I rarely give up on books, but I just couldn't carry on.

  14. I think I remember this book hitting the bestseller list. I like The Lovely Bones, though there were parts that were too slow for me. Also, remember not wanting to read The Almost Moon.

  15. I was waiting to hear that title! Such a long and unbearable read. I gave it a good go but if it's not there it's not there, lets read something a little more interesting!

  16. Alesa: I hope so! It's by an Australian author :)

    India: Me too. but this one just didn't do it.

    Yvonne: Thanks!

    Christine: I'm pretty sure this wouldn't have been published if it had been written by a debut author.

    MissV: I feel guilty too! I RARELY do put a book down without finishing. But I would have just been toturing myself - and I figured my time is precious :)

    Slutface: Yep! and I loved the Lovely Bones. So as you can imagine Me = Disappointed.

    Tara: Ugh! Frustrating!

    Alexandra: Yep! Read the first chapter. Seriously.

    Sangu: Thanks for the recommendation! I'll check it out!

    Talli: Ah thank you! I'm not the only freak ;)

    Crimey: Well, yeah, it would hit the bestsellet list cause we usually buy the books before we read them, right? LOL. I'm sure everyone bought it because of the Lovely Bones.

    Jen: Where did you make it to? Did anything interesting happen?

  17. Candyland and Rayna: How did I miss you? Mu middle finger must be on scroll madness again ;) Candy, me too! Rayna: Exactly. I'm not wasting any more precious time :)

  18. You are the third person to tell me they cannot finish this book. My D1 reads anything, and is a psychologist, but she could not 'get into' this one. She told me to save my money and she will bring it out to me, so I can make up my own mind. So September will find me reading this book.

  19. Wow, sounds like a book I can miss. Thanks for sharing!

  20. By Alice Sebold huh? I think I'm one of the few people on the planet who couldn't stand her Bones novel, so I know for sure I won't be reading this one.

  21. Hey you gave it a fair shot. I'm not against putting down a book if you don't like it.
    What bothers me most is the fact that stuff like this even gets published. I mean... are these well known authors really that insensitive to the written word? Do they no longer care for their craft because they're no longer struggling to be published or are they just burned out?
    Sorry, but I would have put the book down after the first chapter. And most certainly after the incident with the teenage son of her best friend. Can you say "EW!"?

  22. I haven't read that, and now I know I won't - thanks for the tip! If nothing else, a bad book at least helps us learn what NOT to do.

  23. Makes ya wonder, doesn't it? How do books like that get published, let alone become bestsellers. Glad you gave us the scoop on it. I can cross that off my imaginary reading list. ;-)

  24. It sounds like you gave it a fair shake before putting it down. I haven't read it myself. I have had books like that, were you wonder if the author read their own material.

    Hope the next read is worth your time hon. (Hugs)Indigo

  25. I think it is such an amazing skill to be able to make a dislikable MC equal a good book--sounds like Alice missed the boat there... I would agree that it sounds fascinating (like car crash fascinating) but I suspect, like you, I would need something to make the heroine sympathetic to stick to it. I think the only disliked MC where I still loved the book was Humbert Humbert in Lolita--there are a dozen other 'popular or classic' books with dislikable MCs and I can't do it (Crime & Punishment, A Separate Peace)

  26. i had big problems with the lovely bones and therefore decided to never read an Alice Sebold book again.
    But that's just me.
    I used to never put a book down, but recently i realized there are more good books out there than i could ever finish in my life, so i don't have time to waste on a bad one

  27. Wow, I don't know if I could read something like that. LOL, I'm glad you found it disgusting, yet intriguing. What a combination! :D

  28. I have found a few books with ati-heroes that I really enjoyed reading. There's no excuse for boring though.
    post free classifieds


“I'm using my art to comment on what I see. You don't have to agree with it.” ~John Mellencamp

“Allowing an unimportant mistake to pass without comment is a wonderful social grace” ~Judith S. Marin

“I don't ever try to make a serious social comment.” ~Paul McCartney

“I'd make a comment at a meeting and nobody would even acknowledge me. Then some man would say the same thing and they'd all nod.” ~Charlotte Bunch

“Probably what my comment meant was that I don't care about the circumstances if I can tell the truth.” ~Sally Kirkland

“We're not going to pay attention to the silliness and the petty comments. And quite frankly, women have joined me in this effort, and so it's not about appearances. It's about effectiveness.” ~Katherine Harris