Remember the Where's Wally books? How wicked were they? I would while away hours seeking him out within the crowded beach scenes, carnival scenes, market scenes, city scenes; you name it, Wally was waving at me from amongst the crowd. Maybe that's why I became a professional editor - perhaps Wally gave me the skills for spotting details that aren't obvious to the average Joe. Thanks Wally! I owe ya one!
So ... where's Wally? Can you find him? Click on picture to expand.
I didn't find him (nursing a caffeine withdrawal headache) but I did enjoy the little trek down memory lane! :)
ReplyDeleteOh, I love this. I think I've found him! (Is he next to the lady in blue sweater and yellow dress?)
ReplyDeleteI've always been horrible at things like that. :( sadly enough. But I'm from the U.S., and there Wally is Waldo, which, personally I prefer. :D Waldo is the coolest name evers.
ReplyDeleteBut whether he be Wally or Waldo, I still cannot find him. *tragic tears*
I remember that craze of Where is Waldo!! Hadn't thought about that in years. And no, I didn't look then either!!
ReplyDeleteWhere's Waldo is still popular (here) with the elem. school age set.
ReplyDeleteI think I found him too! :o)
I still love Where's Waldo! I think I found him, below the bigger woman in the green dress and just to the left of the blonde woman in the blue sweater. Is that right? :P
ReplyDeleteI used to LOVE Where's Waldo! I think I found him, but I can't be sure as the picture was pretty small.
ReplyDeleteI've never been good at finding that guy. My eyes blow.
ReplyDeletePS I signed up for the blog fest last week and it still doesn't show my name:(
ReplyDeleteOh, so that's the secret to being a better editor. *rushes off to find kids' Waldo books*
ReplyDeleteWhere is he??? :)
ReplyDeleteMy son loves checking out Waldo books from the library. Finding that guy is hard!
ReplyDeleteI found Waldo!!!! Careful peeps, he's tricky in this one. And he's wearing a purse-type thing over his shoulder making his red-n-white shirt hart to find.
ReplyDeleteI wish I hadn't thrown out my daughters books like this years ago. Now I've got the find Waldo fever!
I found him! Only because I cheated and read where he was from the other comment. *giggles*
ReplyDeleteHello, Jessica Bell. I am Jessica Byam. Pleasure to make your acquaintance! :)
ReplyDeleteAnd I do so love a good "Where's Waldo?" I made a Waldo-esque activity for my current job, and I now have loads of respect for the artist. It was a lot harder to draw than I thought it would be, and I will never look at a Waldo picture the same way again.
Nopes, I just cant' find him, but maybe I was just not concentrating. Will come back again later and look.
ReplyDeleteMissed the Wally craze totally - I am pretty sure he never came to India.
~ Rayna
hahah i love this!! i used to play the 'where's waldo' game all the time.
ReplyDeleteit never gets old! hehe
Yep. Looks like Wally is the Australian version. How odd! What was the point in the name change? Weird.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, Candyland, you're name is now showing. Sorry about that! You know I wouldn't have done it on purpose!?
Will reveal the whereabouts of Wally/Waldo before my next post. :)
Bah. I looked for the little bugger for 5 min before my eyes crossed.
ReplyDeleteIt must be a sure sign of age that I didn't even have the patience to look for more than about a minute.
ReplyDeleteOur youngest was obsessed by Wally.
ReplyDeleteAt least when she wasn't being obsessed by maths, or chess.
I love Where's Waldo! My husband dressed up as Waldo this past Halloween and for Christmas we gave our nephew his very own Where's Waldo book!!! Brings back wonderful memories!
ReplyDeleteOooo Happy 100 followers! I just noticed!
My kids still love finding stuff and we have about 10 I-Spy books. I used to love finding Wally.
ReplyDelete*raises hand* I know about wombats! I even know the 'how is a man like a wombat" joke'. (eats roots and leaves--yes I know my Aussie slang... I'm an honerary aussie) I even know about drop bears. *nods wisely*
ReplyDeleteIn the US it was Where's Waldo, but somehow he happened between my kids' generation and mine, so we never had one...
Gosh darn it! I cheated, read everyone else's comments ... and I still can't find the bastard!
ReplyDeleteNot only that, but now I'm looking for the lady with the yellow dress & blue sweater, and the bigger lady wearing a green dress... as well as Waldo wearing a shoulder bag (if I'm understanding Justine correctly). I can't find ANY of them.
Bah Humbug!
I could not find the little bugger! My kids are really into I Spy...that drives me nuts also!
ReplyDeleteWaldo is not there because he's with Elvis (sleeping with the fishes).
ReplyDeleteAlliAllo ~
I gots no time to look for Waldo 'cause I gots a Blog Bit to get posted today. Also, I gots your Email to respond to, which I will do, if not today (although possibly today), then certainly tomorrow.
Yak Later.
~ "Lonesome Dogg" McWaldo
edited post guys with Wally (Waldo) revealed! :)
ReplyDeleteI used to love those books! Where's Waldo! In france they call him 'Charlie'. (I know, right?)
ReplyDeleteI used to love looking at those Waldo books with my daughters. That was a pretty creative artist who put those pictures together.
ReplyDeleteGlad you will be with us on the Fifteen Fantasy Island Favorites.
May 3rd A to Z Challenge Reflections Mega Post
--> Stephen, I understand yor dilemma. I've chosen mine too :) But there are 16. So I've decided the 16th album is what I'm allowed to listen to when I get saved and sent back home
No way, Sister! If I gotta make those tough, tough cuts to whittle my list down to no mo' than 15, then so does youz!
Doesn't look like my reply will get written today, but unless I get hit by that proverbial bus, tomorrow seems to be a sure thang. Yak then...
~ "Lonesome Dogg" McFifteenonly
LOL stephen! Ok, I'll play buy the rules. I'll just post the 16th the next day ... HA!
ReplyDeleteWaldo is at my house eating pizza; lol. Fun post~ You did on the W's; I do remember there being a surge of them!
ReplyDeletein the upper left hand corner, Wally is laying on a beach towel next to a woman that apparrently is attempting to tan the white line across her back. looks like he's rubbing lotion on her...
ReplyDeleteMan! I'm late to the Waldo party! I highly suspect though that I would not have found him! Cool post!
ReplyDeleteI know this is old, but that's not Waldo! LOL Waldo is to the left of the Red stripped enclosure, behind the greenish/blue thing getting his picture taken. The picture is the darkest where he is. He is wearing is usual blue jeans, red stripped shirt, hat.... He also has a cane and bag. You can check for your self by zooming the screen in with control +. Then zooming out with control -.