Tuesday 6 April 2010

The Prolific Blogger Award goes to ...

Thanks so so much to Rayna at Coffee Rings Everywhere, for this award.

Please go to Advance Booking blog to read the rules of this award.

I'd like to whole-heartily give this award to, in no particular order:

Forever Endeavor

Mary MacDonald has the Write Stuff

Confessions of a Watery Tart

Elizabeth Mueller

Author Blog: Glynis Smy

The Misadventures in Candyland

Slushpile Slut



  1. Congratulations to you and all award winners much deserved.


  2. Congrats!

    Matthew Rush is doing a guest blog for me today. If you get a chance - go check it out. ;-)


  3. Woooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Ahhh! Thank you!!! Or are you saying I talk too much? *snort* (kidding--I'm honored!)

  5. Congratulations on the award, aren't they just fun!

    Have a great day!

  6. Yay for you!!

    And now, yay for me too!

    There is really a blog called Slushpile Slut? I'm sooo gonna have to check that out!

  7. Congrats on receiving this award! :)

  8. Congrats to you and your recipients on a fun award! :-)

  9. Hey, congratulations on your award! Great job from what I've been reading since the A-Z challenge began. Finding so many great blogs through it.

  10. I adore Glynis' blog! I'll have to check out the other links as well.

  11. Congrats on the award. You have a great blog :o)

  12. Thanks Everyone! Gladd you're checking out these awesome blogs I've chosen too :)

  13. Congratulations on the award, I love your blog posts.
    Thank you for passing it onto me!

  14. You so deserve it and Thx for listing my blog as well...You rock!!


“I'm using my art to comment on what I see. You don't have to agree with it.” ~John Mellencamp

“Allowing an unimportant mistake to pass without comment is a wonderful social grace” ~Judith S. Marin

“I don't ever try to make a serious social comment.” ~Paul McCartney

“I'd make a comment at a meeting and nobody would even acknowledge me. Then some man would say the same thing and they'd all nod.” ~Charlotte Bunch

“Probably what my comment meant was that I don't care about the circumstances if I can tell the truth.” ~Sally Kirkland

“We're not going to pay attention to the silliness and the petty comments. And quite frankly, women have joined me in this effort, and so it's not about appearances. It's about effectiveness.” ~Katherine Harris